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A while later, Celaena was dragged roughly from the cell, and she stumbled over her own feet as the man didn't bother to pause to give her time to recover. There was a soft murmuring, and Ben took her arm instead. He gently hoisted her onto her feet, scanning her body with tight lips. She shrugged off the cloak and handed it back to him before Arobynn saw.

Let them stare. Celaena didn't care- and even brushed her hair behind her ears to show her developing breasts and the scars that lined her abdomen.

Ben's eyes flickered over them- and for a moment, pride seemed to fill his form. Pride at her battered body, that she'd survived each scar and the story that came with it, pride at her unabashed face as she walked down the dungeon halls of the Keep.

They stopped at a large wooden door, in a corridor she'd never seen before. 'This is where we have all our meetings,' Ben said. We? But Celaena didn't get time to ask before she was shoved in rather rudely by the man to her left.

Arobynn, seated at the head of the great wooden table, looked up. As did the other six assassins settled round it. 'Out,' Arobynn murmured. To whom, he didn't add, and a few men exchanged glances. Celaena was equally bemused and puzzled.

Arobynn tsked, drumming his fingers on the table. 'We will finish the discussion tomorrow.' The six men bowed, and rose from their chairs, none meeting Celaena's inquisitive gaze boring into their backs. The final assassin left the chamber, shutting the door with a faint click. 'West. Leave,' Arobynn ordered. The man bowed deeply too, before stalking out, black cloak sweeping out behind him.

The King of the Assassins stood, and began to make his way round the long table towards Celaena. She was suddenly very aware of the fact that she was standing naked and unarmed in a room with two skilled, dangerous killers - one that would defend her till his last breath, and one who was... unpredictable, to say the least. 'So. I don't think we have had a chance to converse as reasoned, sensible beings yesterday. I take it you are better now?'

Better. As if some illness had overcome her. Celaena said, 'Yes.' Two heartbeats, then Arobynn resumed his speech. She thought he would be angry - rather, he asked, 'Do you know what that was yesterday?'

She raised a brow. 'What was what?'

'The rage.'

Ben's grip tightened suddenly on her shoulder, his nails digging into flesh, and Celaena let out a small wince before nodding slowly.

'Can you describe it?'

She didn't need to think to answer, to remember the sensation. 'Cold. It was like ice. I liked it. It was when I was driven to the point of exploding. But I didn't explode. It- I just... snapped.'

She wasn't sure if Ben was breathing behind her. His fingers were still frozen on her shoulder. It was starting to sting now.

Her mentor nodded thoughtfully. 'The Killing Calm.'

She liked that name. 'Why that name?'

Arobynn took in a breath. 'I would like to think that the name is obvious as to why it is called such.'

She smiled - well, tried to. Because her stomach gave a funny jolt, before letting out a growl. Shit. Now? But Arobynn let out a breathy chuckle. 'I will have dinner delivered to your chambers. I recommend taking a bath too. Ben, if you could kindly escort Celaena away.'

His Second nodded, and removed his grip on her shoulder. 'And give her your cloak too. I am not sure how men would take to a naked girl wandering round the Guild.' Arobynn chuckled again. 'Good evening, Celaena.'

For a moment, she thought she was safe. But as she turned, her neck prickled with an eerie strangeness.

And she wasn't able to move out of the way fast enough as two daggers slammed into her skull.

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