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The left flank was flagging. The wind howled through the din of swords and hooves, the scents of blood and pain mixing with those of pine and snow. 'Hold!' The order was roared through their ranks.

Everyone refused to voice their fears, but the outcome of the battle was evident. They were losing.

Adarlan was strong. They had numbers, and catapults - huge, horrible wooden structures which fired stone balls at their army. To say the effect was devastating was an understatement.

A sharp whistle cut through the chill of the air. It was a warning - and then it was suddenly cut off as a volley of boulders were launched into the air - their sole target the channel between the left and centre flank of Terrasen's Army.

Snow and mud flew into the air as stone rained upon the plain, bone crunching and blood spraying where they landed. The soldier struggled onward, changing course leeward.

There was also a storm within his mind - a churning, writhing tornado of emotions.


'Jak!' That voice belonged to Quinn - his mentor. He turned to that voice, tracking the echo with his ears. There. The line of soldiers were particularly thin - Adarlan's soldiers almost beaching through. Quinn was so close now; only a few feet separated them. Scattered Adarlanian stragglers rushed for him, and, banishing his exhaustion, he slammed his shield into the face of one, slicing the abdomen of the other.

'Right,' Quinn called again. 'Right flan-'

He was cut short as a spear plunged through his neck, the pointed tip visible as it pierced through the flesh. The light died from his mentor's eyes as the spear withdrew, and Quinn collapsed to the ground, blood gushing from the wound.

Jak screamed, voice hoarse.

That was it. Adarlan began to pour in, a river of bloodthirsty soldiers, slaughtering-

And on the Plain of Theralis, the army of Terrasen made their last stand.

A final stand.

Greeting death, knowing that their beloved kingdom would fall tonight - never to rise again.

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