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Celaena awoke to a pounding head and the screams of torture. She struggled upright, surveying her surroundings. It was undoubtedly the dungeons, and the stone, hard and cold and unforgiving did nothing to warm her.

She was stripped naked, and her hair was loose and unbound. Nothing- no weapons. She inspected the jags and cracks in the rock. Escape was useless - she'd learnt that the first time she was down here. Footsteps sounded, faint, but getting nearer. Sam crouched on his haunches.

'Come to mock me, have you?' she growled.

Sam didn't bat an eyelid at her ragged, naked state. Instead, he shrugged. 'You've been unconscious for more than a day. It's the evening now. Arobynn and Clarisse are furious.'

'Lysandra deserved it.'

Another pair of footsteps echoed the first, and Celaena craned her neck to see Lysandra. 'Speak of the devil's whore,' she muttered.

The welts on Lysandra's face were visible still, though already well concealed by the cosmetics. A silk dress hugged her figure, replacing the one Celaena had destroyed.

'Enjoying your stay in this lovely place?' Lysandra asked. Celaena stood, and let them see the marks and bruises and scars on her body. She brushed her hair from her face, and bared her teeth, the dried blood on her cheek crackling with the movement. 'Monster,' Lysandra spat.

Celaena chose not to listen, and stretched. 'You know,' she purred, 'I regret none of that. You very much deserved it.'

Sam trailed a finger down the bars, and said, 'Arobynn is debating whether or not to let go out today or tomorrow.'

'I hope never,' Lysandra leered.

A tall, masculine figure appeared from the shadows, as if out of thin air. Celaena barked a laugh as Lysandra jumped. 'Let me have a few words with Celaena,' Ben said.


'I was on a mission. But I heard what happened.' Raking his gaze over her bare body, he let out a low whistle. 'Apparently, you took a tumble down the stairs. Screeching like wild cats.' He gave a brief smile, tinged with exhaustion; he must've come straight here upon arrival.

Celaena walked closer to the iron bars that separated her from her friend. 'Who looked worse?' he asked.

'Her. Until Arobynn started to beat me,' she said.

'Look,' Ben sighed. 'I can't always be here to defend you. You- you need to try and control your temper. Be more rational.'

Celaena knew that. But it hurt when Ben chastised her. The sting must've been visible on her face because Ben suddenly reached for her hands, and gripped them tightly as if afraid he couldn't let go. 'Still. I will do everything in my power to make sure you're freed today. But remember, Arobynn always makes the final decision.' She sagged slightly at that, and Ben added, 'How you get yourself into incidents like this is a miracle.'

Celaena shivered as a lone breeze drifted through the dungeons. A scream echoed through the stone walls. Ben and Celaena both ignored it. 'I'm sorry you always get dragged into this,' Celaena murmured. Then she rubbed her arms again as the cool air seemed to drift back. Ben didn't hesitate as he unfastened the cloak around his shoulders, passing it through the bars and wrapping it round her body.

'I don't deserve you,' she mumbled, suddenly down in spirit. Celaena felt tired, every pore aching. And the cuts and bruises decorating her body didn't help with every movement she made. She was also thirsty and hungry. Ben seemed to notice her crestfallen state, and said, 'Nonsense.'

Hugging her as close to him as the bars would allow, he whispered into her ear, 'I'll stay with you. Promise.'

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