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Three days later, Eli found himself on a vessel, heading for the Southern Continent. Celaena was silent as they walked to the cabin, Ben beside her. He wondered how his life had come to this so quickly. Adarlan's Assassin and Arobynn's Second sat together on the small bed. Eli stayed by the porthole, gazing out at the frothing waves. From the day the healer had announced he had Stillwaters, and had refused to help him to four days ago, Eli was worried for his life. And then Celaena Sardothien- Celaena, of all people, the supposedly notorious assassin he'd just met had seen the blood and decided to help him. It was a miracle.

It was truly a miracle.

Through the reflection of the porthole, he saw Celaena look at Ben, who was watching Eli. At Rifthold, she'd told him to leave Eli and her there, but he'd refused, and ended up joining her. 'Eli,' she said. The young boy turned. 'We have to leave you at Antica. We can go no further than this.'

Eli nodded. 'I'll manage.' Despite there only being a couple of years between their ages, somehow, Celaena seemed much older. In fact, he was almost intimidated. A little bit. But he was also grateful. 'Thank you.'

'You deserve to live,' she replied. His cheeks warmed at that.


The waves lapped the side of the boat, rocking it with a gentle, lolling motion. The sea itself shone a brilliant turquoise under the glimmering rays of the sun. Leaning on the rail of the boat, she gazed out to the open water, stretching far and wide. In a few weeks' time, they would reach Antica. Celaena wasn't sure why she'd offered to help Eli. He just seemed so young, and innocent. Like you, a voice said from the back of her head. What did you do to deserve this life? Before all this?

Celaena waved away the nagging voice, and tapped the rail with her fingernails. Upon inspection, they were rather jagged. She would have to go and get them trimmed. The familiar gait of Ben's footsteps sounded behind her. 'Where's Eli?' she asked.

'He said he was fine with staying in the cabin.'

Ben copied her movements, leaning his forearms onto the rail. His shoulder pressed into hers, and she relaxed, shifting into his warmth further. 'The journey to Antica takes around a month. I hope you don't get seasick.'

Her mouth twitched. 'Sometimes. And thank you for joining us.' Thank you. Those two words of soft gratitude were saved for Ben, and Ben only. The one person who knew her past and embraced it. Who did not care for that, but who cared for her.

'Is Arobynn okay with you being here?'

Ben chuckled. 'Isn't it a bit late to ask? I was given four additional missions: two in Fenharrow, two in Eyllwe.'

So that's where he'd disappeared off to every night at the inns they stayed at. But- 'Four missions?'

'I'm perfectly capable - not just because I'm second, Celaena.'

The ever-so-slightly sharp tone made a blush rise furiously to her cheeks. She sometimes forgot that he was an assassin - she'd never seen him on a mission, though she'd seen him fight. 'Ah...well...' she mumbled, 'don't you have to teach?'

'Arobynn can get Tern or Mullin. Or just teach them himself.' He mentioned no more about her current lack of discernment.

'Those fledglings would be very lucky, then.' Arobynn only trained his best. Which were often Celaena and Sam; rarely anyone else, which earned them many looks, some jealous, some with reverence.

'And you're not a fledgling?' Ben challenged. There was a notable difference in the way Sam and Ben would confront her - Sam was usually sharp, and keen to best her, whilst Ben was merely curious.

'No. I'm not.'

A smile grew on his face. 'I wonder if you can back up your claim.'

'Who do you think I am? Of course I can!' Maybe the heat was making her lightheaded and bold, but this was blowing hard.

'Until you best me,' Ben teased. 'You're still young.'

Celaena made to poke him and he grabbed her finger, twisting gently.

'Och,' She said. She wiggled her hand, but Ben still didn't let go. 'What-' She yanked hand, and jabbed her fingers into the pressure point on his arm. Ben cursed and dropped her wrist. 'Too bad there isn't space to duel here,' Celaena muttered. 

Ben just ruffled her hair.

And together, they gazed across the ocean to a land far, far away.


Celaena had devoured the book she'd brought with her within the first week of travel. Ben had also read it. Eli was a small, quiet presence in the cabin, and she often spotted him, lost in thought as he stared out of the window.

One day, when the winds were particularly strong, he'd huddled on the bed, knees to his chest. There were only two beds in the cabin - so Celaena shared one with Ben. It wasn't romantic in the least, and they were fully aware of the distance between them; she just wanted to give Eli the space he needed. But when he looked so lost and tiny, she'd slipped from her bed and wriggled into Eli's.

'Are you okay?' Celaena asked.

Eli looked nervous- and even more so when she shuffled closer- and began biting his lip, casting his gaze everywhere but to meet her eyes. 'Yes.' He probably wasn't used to all the attention.

'You should spent some more time above decks. Don't stay in this stuffy cabin. Get some fresh air,' she murmured. Eli shifted, the only sign to show he'd heard her.

'Why did you help me?'

Celaena nearly jumped at that small voice. But she pushed her mouth to the side, and replied truthfully, 'I don't know.' Maybe she could be kind. Compassion; that was why she'd reached out a hand.

Eli slumped beside her. 'Why me?'

Celaena pushed on his shoulder gently, and Eli lay down, trembling slightly. She moved the blanket higher, tucking it under his chin. 'You have nothing to be afraid of. With me and Ben here, you're perfectly safe.' The trembling ceased- but only by a fraction. 'Eli. I am not here to harm you. I don't want to hurt you. And no one will hurt you. Look,' she fumbled for the right words, 'you seem like a perfectly fine boy. I want to help you. The Healers at the Torre could heal your Stillwaters so you don't have to live in fear anymore.'

Eli stilled, sensing the earnest verity of her words. 'Thank you.' Fragile. He was so fragile. 'If you need anything, just let me know,' she said softly.

Ben was awake as she crawled back into the bed. 'That was nice of you,' he murmured softly. She snuggled into his warmth, and said into his chest, 'He was afraid. I only wish there was someone to help me when I was.'

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