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Ben rapped on the door, rapid and impatient. 'Celaena. Wake. Up!' 

Little did he know that she was already awake and dressed, and was just walking out from her bathing room as Ben called. 'I'm awake!' she called. 

Ben paused his knocking. 'Good. I'll see you downstairs then.' Celaena adjusted the lapels of her Prussian-blue tunic - one of the more elaborate items she owned - and checked her reflection again in the mirror. Her hair hung in soft waves down her back, two golden clips pinning the loose strands out of her face. A nice outfit for a nice occasion. The gown would come later, when they had the ball. Celaena didn't bother with strapping the swords on before she left the room.

Even breakfast had a hint of Winter in it; and the atmosphere was noticeably different. It was warm inside, but one look at the ice-blue sky told her just how cold it was outside.

Celaena went to the room where the pianoforte basked in all its glory. But it appeared someone had beaten her to it. As she pushed open the ajar door, Celaena spotted a cloaked figure seated at the stool. She made her footsteps audible on the wooden floor, and the figure looked up, startled. Celaena blinked as the hood slipped. 'Sam?' 

His cheeks reddened. 'Are you not going to curse?' 

Celaena waved a hand. 'How could I, when the Gods can hear me? No, I dare not.' Sam gave a smile. This was one of those days where they could actually get along, she realised, seeing the warmth in his eyes. 'What are you doing here anyway?' she asked. 

The blush crept back into his cheeks. 'Nothing, I was just looking.'

Celaena surprised even herself as she asked, 'Would you like me to play for you? I haven't played in a while.' 

Sam went rigid, though not to shut her out. He opened and closed his mouth. Celaena raised an eyebrow. 'Is it really that hard to believe I'm being nice?' Sam opened his mouth again, then shut it. 

She walked over the the stool, and shoved him gently off the seat with her elbow. 'Budge up.' Sam shifted uncomfortably at the distance between them, and as she placed a foot on the pedal, he left the seat entirely. 

Celaena twisted her head to raise a brow at where he stood, now in the corner of the room. 'I don't bite.' 

Sam snorted. 'I beg to differ.' 

Celaena turned back to the keys. 'Well.' And then she began.

Her fingers roved along the notes, tentative at first, then faster and deeper as Celaena plunged into the sea of music. She was on a lost boat in the torrent of the sea, flung and tossed about by the rolling waves. They crashed around her, into her, again and again.

Celaena closed her eyes, and leapt off the prow.


Sam was doing something that looked suspiciously like wiping his eyes when she lifted her foot from the pedal. 'I shouldn't put this into your already-big head, but that was wonderful,' he admitted, a smile adorning his lips. 

Celaena bowed. 'I'm glad you liked it.' 

Sam's cheeks were red; from the cold wind pouring in from the window or something else entirely, she didn't know. 'Well,' he said, scratching his head, 'Thank you.' He stepped towards her, but after a split second turned towards the door, gave her a final smile, and slipped out.

Arobynn was leaning on the wall outside the room, arms folded. Celaena stopped and stared at him. 'Don't you have things to do today?'

Arobynn merely hummed. 'I couldn't miss the opportunity to hear you play. Not many others have such a gift.' 

'Oh!' Celaena's ears reddened at the praise, and she tried not to preen too much. 'Well, thank you,' she said. 

Arobynn pushed off the wall in a casual movement. 'Flabbergast me with your gown tonight, Celaena,' he murmured, lips grazing her ear. Then he strolled away, a smile on his face visible even from behind.


The ball was held in the largest room in the Keep. Celaena adjusted the hem of her flame-coloured skirt as she lingered outside the ballroom doors. Flabbergast me, Arobynn had said. Well, her outfit wasn't particularly flamboyant, but it was good enough. With all the bonfires tonight, Celaena thought she might stick with the theme. 

The red and orange and yellow and gold hues bled together in the masterpiece of fabric - and though she had chosen a delicate, black chiffon tunic to top it off, it should have been deemed acceptable. Honestly, those corsets were rather unbearable. The thin hairstick that swirled her hair into an elaborate flower was decorated with flecks of ruby and amber. 

She had even taken the time to paint a bit of golden kohl onto her eyelids. Nothing on the lips though. Even the daggers which she had artfully hid in the tunic had gold, jewel-studded hilts. Celaena took a deep breath, and walked into the ballroom.

Arobynn noticed her instantly. His silver eyes met hers, and flickered with an emotion she was unfamiliar with. Beside the esteem, was it... lust? Celaena curtsied, her eyes never leaving Arobynn's stare, and continued her decent down the stairs. 

A navy-clad figure stepped in front of her path. They gave her a wicked grin. 'Hunter?' Surprisingly, and fortunately for him, there were no terrible welts marking his face. Only a yellow bruise on his cheek, and a scab on his lower lip which suggested it had split badly yesterday. Hunter sketched a bow. 'Let me escort the lady to the dance floor.' 

Celaena looked faintly amused. 'I was heading for the buffet table,' she said, jerking her head to the table scattered with platters of simply divine food. 

Hunter snickered, and gazed at her with twinkling eyes. 'Of course.' Celaena barely restrained herself from flipping him a vulgar gesture. 

She folded her arms, then deciding that wasn't appropriate, placed them on her hips. The movement didn't seem appropriate, so she held them behind her back. That felt too tame. The easiest position would to have them around his neck, Celaena thought crossly. 'What do you mean by that?' she asked him. 

Hunter smiled, though his eyes didn't lose that spark of impertinence. 'Nothing. Go have your food.' 

Celaena turned away, and barely made it two steps before another body blocked her way. 'Hello, Celaena,' Sam said.

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