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It was mid-spring. Celaena was always woken by the gulls squawking overhead early in the morning - too early for her own liking. So, as expected, she was awake at six o'clock, with a slight headache. Celaena had grown a habit of reading late into the night, often resulting with achieving not enough sleep. 'Damned birds,' she muttered. Throwing a pillow over her face did nothing but suffocate her. She rolled, and slid out of bed head-first, remembering to throw out her hands at last minute to avoid collision with the cold floor.

Crawling to the bathing room, she splashed water onto her face and rubbed the sleep from her eyes vigorously. The birds were still crowing outside. 'Wyrd help me,' she groaned. Celaena left her room ten minutes later, the throbbing in her head having cleared slightly. Her lilac shirt ruffled against the wind as she hurried downstairs to the one place that would waken her fully - the training room.

Celaena nearly decided to turn around and head back to the sanctuary of her room when she saw Arobynn Hamel stalking around the hall. But he'd seen her, and she had involuntarily taken a few steps forward. With an inward groan, she approached her mentor, his silver hair the colour of flame in the dawn light. His eyes flickered. 'I need to-'

She drew her sword. Arobynn blinked once, twice. Then he smiled. 'You're ready, then.'

He turned his head. 'Eli!'

A young boy who looked about eight hurried over, clutching a sword with both hands. He looked absolutely tiny, though Celaena supposed that a few years ago, she was like that, too. 'Eli is an apprentice,' Arobynn said. 'I've heard he is very good with the sword.' Eli blushed madly. Then Arobynn added, 'This is Celaena. Though I suppose you've already heard about her.' Eli's eyes grew larger, and his face adopted a cute, adorable expression. Celaena lifted her chin slightly, but smiled at the young boy. He froze, and blinked frantically.

Arobynn tipped his head and gave Celaena a look. 'Eli.' Eli unfroze and darted to the mat. Celaena walked slowly after him, Arobynn by her side. 'You have three matches. One, use your left arm, another, use your right. Last round, both. Choose which you would use for each match. Good luck.' Celaena weighed the options carefully; not both hand right now- that would be a waste of energy with a lesser opponent. But they could all be fledglings, or more advanced assassins. Throwing her sword into her right hand, she nodded her choice at Arobynn.

Celaena closed her eyes, and listened to the wind.

There was a rustle from the side, and Celaena's eyes flew open as Eli's sword skimmed overhead. She ducked, throwing herself to the side as he suddenly cut downwards mid-swing. Their swords clashed as she rose, slicing the air to meet the sword. There was a split second where Celaena spotted an opening past Eli's guard, but she ignored it, and stepped away as he lunged. Twirling, she rammed her fist into his inner forearm.

Eli, surprisingly, dropped the sword, only to snatch it out of the air before she could with his left arm. That hesitation from her brought enough time for him to recover into a firmer stance. But his right arm would probably be rather sore for a couple of hours. It hung limply by his side, confirming her suspicions. He thrust his arm forward again, and she parried with a forceful sweep that had him stumbling backwards. There was a hole, a large hole open for her to strike. So she did, pressing his sword down with her own, and whirling as he lashed out with a foot.

She slammed her elbow into his stomach, and he doubled over. That was enough for Celaena. She brought her sword up to his throat.

But Eli didn't fight her. Instead, he sagged, and burst into a violent coughing fit. When he drew his hands away from his mouth, there were flecks of blood there. Celaena dropped the sword. 'Are you okay?'

He looked up at her. 'The Stillwaters are going to kill me.'

There were three heartbeats of silence. Three heartbeats of only him and her, surrounded by the clashing swords and hissed breaths.

Celaena took his right hand, and began rubbing it. Eli sighed in relief, and she knew the stiffness in his forearm would be disappearing. The healers in Orynth had spoken of Stillwaters once. It was curable, but it was so rare to come across a healer who could heal them. 'You're not going to die,' she said firmly, but gently.

Eli looked at her. 'I'm not?'

'No,' she said. 'No, you won't.'

He was so young. Too young. Celaena knew he wouldn't be the only child bordering death, but saving the life of one was better than none. She looked at Arobynn.


The Torre Cesme in Antica was home to thousands of gifted healers. Celaena had unwittingly come across it when studying the maps in Ben's room. And then begged Ben to tell her about it.

Sat in Arobynn's office, she repeated for the third time, 'We have to send him there.' He turned from the window. 'You can't be that cold to let him die.'

He raised a brow. 'And what if I am?'

'Then you're a-'

'Rutting bastard, like you said the first time.' He dropped into the large chair behind the desk. 'Celaena-'


'And who would pay for the healing?'

'I would.'

Arobynn chuckled. 'You.'

She stood, placed her hands on the desk, and leaned forward, snarling. 'Yes!- Dammit, Arobynn! He's one of your students!' A silence ticked by, so long that Celaena wanted to squirm. Then he spoke, and she drew back. 'You pay for the journey and the healing. And you take him there.'


A wicked smile wove onto Arobynn's face. 'It's settled, then. 'Ben will see you off three days from now.'


Stillwaters - Tuberculosis - a bacterial infection spread through inhaling tiny droplets from the coughs or sneezes of an infected person. It is a serious condition, but can be cured with proper treatment. Tuberculosis mainly affects the lungs, though it can affect elsewhere too. Sometimes, mucus and/or blood is coughed up due to the bacteria as it builds up.

hope you liked, if not loved this ever-so-random chapter and... yea :))

anyone read
The Secret Horses of Briar Hill?

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