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The Summer Solstice ball was being held in one of Arobynn's many clients' houses - mansion possibly suited the venue better. There was still enough sunlight - so no decorative lights bordered the drive to the main entrance. But it was grand enough. 

A grand marble-floored hallway and glistening chandeliers led to the ballroom. Celaena was wearing the turquoise dress Arobynn had given her - and she could have sworn Ben nearly swooned when he saw her. But now, gripping his hand tightly as they descended the steps, she saw her dress was possibly one of the simplest there.

Everyone stared anyway, heads turning towards Arobynn Hamel's entourage. The King of the Assassins himself was already in the throng of dancers. But he too glanced towards the doors - to Celaena - and stayed there. 

He took in the dress, gaze travelling upwards, past her soft, red-painted lips, the small wings she'd drawn with the kohl along her eyelid, and the pearl-and-white floral comb studded within the knot of hair she'd twisted at the back of her head... then roving back to her eyes. He tipped his head towards the centre of the dance floor. 

'Someone's eager,' Ben murmured. 'Go on, little sister.' He chuckled softly, nudging her in the back with his palm. 

'I'll find you later,' she said back, not breaking her stare with their master.

Then she walked away, brushing past courtesans and and lords and ladies - into the arms of Arobynn Hamel. 

'You look ravishing,' he said into her ear. 'The dress suits you better than I realised.'

'I know,' she purred back. 'You look fine, too.'

He huffed a laugh onto her cheek as he drew away. 'May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?' 

She smiled slowly. 'Of course.'

And then she was wind and water and ash and fire as she spun, twirled, in, out, in, out of Arobynn's arms. He sidestepped, and Celaena leaned backwards, plunging towards the ground. But Arobynn was there, a firm arm round her waist as he caught and dipped her. She couldn't help the smile that grew on her face as they danced, spreading wider and wider.

He - Arobynn - was smiling too, the silver in his eyes glittering as if the stars and moon glowed there. A spin, and his arms lifted her - high, higher than anyone else, and then dropped her down. Celaena rose, swift and nimble, and pale chiffon flowed like mist as they whirled. 

A dance - just as they knew how to wield a deadly dance with weapons - they knew how to wield this one, too. They knew the movements, knew each other's rhythms. It was joy and bliss that led her through the steps, not faltering, not a single beat failing. Everything was a dance - and that night, they danced it perfectly. 

They couldn't afford to get a single step wrong.


Arobynn didn't dance with Lysandra, or Clarisse though they seemed to be waiting. In fact, once he'd finished their dance, he'd bowed and kissed the back of her palm before striding off. 

She'd seen Ben dance a bit - and he was still dancing with an ebony-haired woman. They weren't going to do anything further than that, she told herself firmly. Still, looking away was an effort. 

Celaena didn't see Archer that night. But she saw Sam, who inclined his head to her from atop the mezzanine. With a small exhale of breath, she headed for the refreshments.

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