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Celaena stared at Eli's retreating figure, eyes never leaving his tiny form as the boat sailed away further and further away. He was so small. But the only thing she could only remember were his eyes, his brilliant, glistening. Grey and green. The colours of Terrasen. If he was five when his parents died... she would have been eight. Celaena couldn't deny the evidence. Another child of Terrasen. And she'd sent him away. Safe from the clutches of Adarlan. She couldn't help exhaling a breath. One good deed for all the bad she'd done.

The wind whipped her hair across her face, lashing her cheek, but only when Antica became a speck on the horizon did Celaena finally turn away.


The journey back to Adarlan was the same. But Celaena still trained within the confines of their cabin, not wanting her skills to grow rusty. She forced Ben to eat his share of food, rather than give it to her. She returned to the prow of the boat each morning to watch the sunrise. And after thirty-four days, Celaena and Ben reached Rifthold.


Solid land felt slightly strange under her feet as Celaena mounted the steps to the Keep. Arobynn was there, opening the door before she touched the handle. 'You're back.' Ben nodded his greeting, and Celaena could've sworn something like relief flickered in Arobynn's eyes. He turned to her. 'I would like to have a few words with Celaena. Alone,' he said to Ben as he made to step behind her. 'Thank you.' Then Arobynn ushered them into the Keep, and Ben walked away.

'You weren't planning to bring Eli back.' It wasn't a question, though his eyes were questioning and hard. A challenge. Celaena lifted her head. 'Yes.'

She saw his hands twitch from by his side. He wanted to strike her. Arobynn sighed through his nose, as if pushing down on his anger. 'You cost me a perfectly good student of mine.'

Celaena's voice didn't waver. 'I did.' 

'And you shall expect a punishment for that rash decision without consulting myself first. Did Ben know of this?'


'Then he will be the one to bestow your punishment.'


Celaena stood in Arobynn's office at midday. With Arobynn watching from such a close distance, Ben could do nothing to help her. 'Until I say to stop.'

Ben's eyes were alight with distress and apology. Celaena didn't dare acknowledge it.

Ben's fist connected with her jaw.

To anyone else, it would've looked like a hard blow, but Arobynn wasn't fooled. 'Harder.'

The strike was repeated, though Celaena could tell he was still holding back. 'Do not hold back.' Arobynn said, close to growling. Ben couldn't argue, but went as far to murmur, 'I'm sorry.'

Then white flashed before her very eyes as he landed two forceful, consecutive hits to her cheek. Another to her gut, and Celaena convulsed. There was silver lining Ben's eyes as he beat her again and again.

Tears spilled down his cheeks as he struck her, blow after blow raining down upon her stomach and her face repeatedly. Arobynn still hadn't given the order to halt. Celaena was aching all over, and panting as she righted herself over and over again, only to be knocked down by the next strike, Ben's apologies becoming a soft chant as black splotches filled her vision.

And then it stopped. 'That is enough,' he said to Arobynn.

'Did I say you were to stop?'

'That is enough.'

Arobynn stared at Ben with such a cold glare that anyone in their right mind would've backed down instantly. But Ben returned the look, repositioning himself in front of Celaena.

Arobynn raised his brow, and his hands dropped down to his sides in a movement too slow to be casual.

Celaena had never seen the King of the Assassins fight with his Second. But it was horrible. It was only a few seconds, but they were the most sickening few seconds she'd ever witnessed.

It was fast, so, so fast. Celaena's stomach rolled. And it was all fists; neither had drawn their weapons yet, though she could see they didn't need to.

Ben slammed a palm towards Arobynn's face.

And Arobynn caught it, twisting Ben's arm with a jerk so violent that Celaena let out a cry as Ben dropped to his knees.

Arobynn crouched before Ben. Though Ben hadn't uttered a single sound, she could read the pain and humiliation shimmering in his eyes. Celaena had never seen Ben on his knees before- but there he was, head bowed to their Master. 'You will do as I command,' Arobynn said, voice lethally calm, 'or you will be stripped of your title as Second.' Ben sagged. Powerless. He was powerless as Arobynn drew his arm backwards. Further, further-

'Stop!' Celaena cried. 'Stop, you stupid bastard!'

Arobynn paused. 

A loud silence rushed through her ears. 'Why? Why Ben? He did nothing wrong!'

'He stood in my way. Is he not my loyal Second? He stood against me. Is that not reason enough?'

Wrong. It was all so wrong. 'Is that such a bad thing?'

'It was a challenge.'

'He would never challenge you - Ben has no intentions of becoming First!' Celaena was exasperated - vexed and exasperated that Arobynn could be so blind.

'Yet - is my Second so inept for speaking for himself that he needs an eleven year old to stand up for him?' Arobynn purred. 'Are you growing soft?'

Ben stiffened - and Celaena's hands shook uncontrollably as a wave of fury washed through her, along with an instant desire to beat Arobynn to a pulp.

'You,' Celaena struggled to cool the anger rising within her,' are-' A word, so vile and foul, slipped from her lips.

And Arobynn's eyes flashed, a sudden flame blazing silver. But then she bowed her head, and even Arobynn stiffened in shock as she said, 'Hit me. Punish me for insulting you.'

Arobynn released his grip on Ben's tunic, and rose. 'So willing to defend my Second.'

'It was my mistake in the first place. Let Ben leave.'

He jerked his chin to the door. Then to Ben. 'Leave, then.'

Ben tried to talk to Celaena. But she growled, 'Go,' and he met neither of their stony gazes as he stood, and walked out of the room.

Turning to fix her eyes on Arobynn, Celaena squared her shoulders. Her lips curled. 'Go on, then.' Arobynn didn't move. Celaena let a snarl slip through her teeth. The King of the Assassins stalked towards her, cloak billowing around him like the mist and shadows even as he drew to a halt.

Arobynn put a hand on her shoulder, and the other slipped to cup her cheek, thumb tracing her cheekbone. 'You've always had a strong spirit. For these two months, I missed you, Celaena.'

She snorted.

The fire in his eyes dimmed and turned into a storm of churning emotions. Guilt and sorrow tinged his words as he said, 'I'm sorry. For hurting you.'

'You hurt Ben.'

'I'm sorry for that, too.'


'I accept your apology,' she replied mockingly, and bowed low.

Arobynn only chuckled, all signs of wrath evaporated. 'I wasn't lying when I said I missed you.' He removed his hands, and took a step back. 'I'm sorry,' he repeated. 'You can go now.'


honestly... does anyone like Arobynn?

"I don't like sharing my possessions."

does anyone reckon that Ben's death was seriously set up by this filthy-

*deep breath. deep, DEEP breath*

to get rid of Ben and Sam is-


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