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'You threatened her.'

Ben said nothing, only stared at Celaena, eyes glimmering with some unreadable emotion.

'Do you deny it?'

Again, nothing. Didn't even turn his head to acknowledge the King of the Assassins.

'Ben Anthwood.'

This was the first time she'd heard Arobynn address him by his full name, and by the way Ben's eyes snapped away from hers, that was not a reassuring sign at all.

'I asked you a question.'

This time, he lifted his chin and replied, 'I do not deny it; though, Armel, we've known one another for so long. You know I did not mean it.'

Blood sprayed onto the white bed sheets.

'You dare mock- you dare humiliate me?' Arobynn snarled.

A horrible crack, and more crimson rained upon the floor. Celaena couldn't see Arobynn's face - but it must have been beyond furious.

Ben was on the floor, head leaning against the foot of the bed, blood on his lips. But he did not bow his head.

His eyes closed, then fluttered open. Once. Twice. His chest rose rapidly up and down as he gazed into Arobynn's eyes.

Then a third blow came, hard and fast, and something snapped in Ben-

The grunt that slipped from his teeth had Celaena moving - only for Arobynn to throw out a hand, halting her.

'You were to protect her. Ben, what am I to do with you if you're the one who makes the threats?' Arobynn sighed.

Ben made a noise: a jagged, rough rasp.

Arobynn clicked his tongue. 'Clean up your mess-'

Celaena bit her tongue hard to avoid snapping a remark.

'-and then go to the dungeons. You are not to see a healer. And you,' he said, finally looking at her, 'can help him.'


As soon as Arobynn had left the room, Celaena turned to Ben. 'Stay there,' she growled at him. Then she ripped the bed sheets away and scrubbed them clean in her bathing room before taking the lot to the laundress.

Ben was not slumped on the ground as she'd told him to. When she entered his room again, he was mixing herbs with a glass of water. Pulling a face, he tipped back his head and swallowed it all before wiping his mouth with the back of a hand. He looked at her, and though his face did not reveal any emotion, his eyes glimmered with affliction.

'Broken ribs are a pain,' he said to Celaena very matter-of-factly. 'You can't bandage them, or wrap anything tight around them at all. And even one takes around a couple of months to heal.' Fingering the skin surrounding the right side of his chest, he sighed, 'Third one is broken.'

Celaena didn't know whether to be sorry, or offer any help - but she didn't know what to do, so she simply stood there, blinking. Ben read her expression, and laughed. 'Come on, little sister, let's spend a night in my lovely new chambers.'


Ben was silent as he walked down the stairs, the noise echoing, weaving amongst the shrieks and screams. Though he didn't say, she could tell that each step down pained him.

So Celaena hurried forward and ducked under his arm. With a groan of thanks, Ben slowly eased his weight onto her shoulders. She wasn't that much shorter than him; it was Arobynn who seemed unnaturally tall with his long, slender-but-strong limbs. They staggered into the torch-lit corridor - and Celaena didn't bother casting her gaze around.

The dungeons were the same. This cell was especially dim, though it was not as damp with algae water. 'Honestly,' she sighed to Ben, 'does Arobynn expect us to just lock ourselves in here? How does that work?'

He looked at her. 'You have the keys. You lock me in. Don't give me food, don't talk to me. Return tomorrow.'

His voice was strong and commanding - yet she would not obey. It was rather juxtaposing for Ben to snarl at Celaena for injuring herself - only for Ben to treat himself as such.

'Nonsense,' Celaena said. The corners of Ben's lips tugged upwards as he remembered that very word come from his mouth. 'I am afraid you will have to spend a night here - we can't disobey Arobynn further. But I'm staying.'

He opened his mouth, and she clenched her teeth together, snapping a short growl. 'Take my cloak, you idiot. You didn't bring one. I'll bring some bread tomorrow.'

Ben leaned against the wall, ignoring her outstretched hand which held the cloak. 'No. Don't disobey Arobynn's ord-'

Celaena chuckled the cloak at his mouth, and he spluttered against the fabric, shutting him up for a moment. She gave a mischievous grin. 'He can't possibly punish both his Second and Adarlan's Assassin - he'd lose himself his best assassins.'

'You don't know Arobynn.'

'I'm staying.'

Ben closed his eyes, pushing his lips into a thin line in exasperation. Celaena folded her arms. Stalking over, she gently took the cloak from him and arranged it around his shoulders.

His eyes flickered open. 'Thank you.'

'I wouldn't be here if it were anyone but you,' Celaena said.

He threw her a crooked smile, and let out a breathy laugh.

But then stopped abruptly, wincing. She started. 'Stop fussing, little sister,' he grunted, the sharp intake of breath implying that she most certainly should not stop fussing.

'What herbs did you use?' she asked.

'For a broken rib?'

She nodded.

'To mix with water, I usually shred blackberry leaves, sweet-sedge and chervil. Depending on the condition of the break, if it is worse, then either borage, phlox or burnet is added. But for the poultice, crush broom flowers, fennel, comfrey root, and rush with honey. Cob nuts work too, if crushed.'

Celaena blinked. 'Does it feel bad?'

Ben choked a brief chuckle. 'Compared to some others, no. I've had more than just a rib broken. I don't need a poultice. Just blackberry and sweet-sedge will do. They're labelled.'


She returned with a skin of water and the herbs in a separate pouch. 'I can't carry a jug of water here,' she explained. Ben just downed the water - and bitter leaves.

'These herbs - they're very basic compared to what healers are supplied with. I can patch wounds with them, but when healing interior injuries, they aren't the best medicines,' Ben admitted after gagging slightly.

'Better than nothing. You're not allowed to see a healer.' Celaena pouted, and Ben ruffled her hair.

'It was dusk when I went up. Go to sleep, Ben.'

'So should you.'

She swallowed. 'Arobynn caught me - and said I should be sleeping in my room.' Ire and annoyance flashed in her eyes.

He nodded. 'Go.'

She shouldn't have expected him to let her stay down here in this rutting cell. 'Okay. Keep the cloak.'

Then she turned, but he grabbed her arm. Kissing the top of her head quickly, she felt him relax slightly.

Celaena gave Ben a rueful smile as she exited the cell, locking the barred door behind her.

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