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Blood. There was so much blood. Bile rose from the back of her throat, and she gagged. Ben lay on top of the bed, bathed in his own blood. A deep slit glinted with half-dried blood in the base of his throat, and his eyes stared sightlessly up at the white ceiling. She reached out a shaking hand to touch Ben's own. It was cold, cold as the winter storm howling outside. She couldn't help the tears from falling, and the salty drops mixed with the crimson rust on the bed sheet. She screamed in fury and despair. It couldn't be happening again. Could the Gods be so cruel? A hand touched her shoulder and- and-

Celaena's eyes flew open. Panting heavily, she threw on a silk robe and hurtled out of the room. She didn't bother to make her presence quiet as she swung open Ben's door and beheld the sight before her.

Ben lay in his bed, breathing deeply. Alive. Celaena's knees went weak with relief. Ben stirred.


A bang, a shadow, then he was halfway across the room, a dagger in hand until he realised who stood at the door. The weapon clattered to the ground as he took in her ragged appearance and wide eyes filled with pure panic and relief. He swept her into his arms, shutting the door with a swift kick. 'Are you okay?' Celaena didn't reply. Fear had frozen her. Ben set her down on the bed gently, and repeated the question. Celaena jumped. Ben slowly wrapped his arms round her. 'Bad dream?' He didn't realise she was crying until he felt drops of moisture land on his arm. Gods. What happened?

He tugged the bed sheet to cover them both, and Celaena slowly gripped the edge, so hard that he could see that her knuckles were white, even in the dark. And with achingly slow movement, she turned to look at him. Her eyes glistened in the dark, and Celaena took a shuddering breath. 'I'm fine.' 

Ben stopped her right there. 'You are clearly not fine. Now, do you want to tell me or go to sleep?' 

She was silent for so long that he may have thought she had fallen asleep if it weren't for the glint of her blue-gold eyes. 'I had a nightmare,' she began, and Ben could guess what was coming next, 'and- and you died.'

He blinked. He had not expected that. But when she said, 'You were there, on the bed. And I thought, not again. Ben, it was so real; I was so scared. I didn't want it to be true.' Ben knew exactly what she was talking about. So he said, 'Go to sleep. I'm here, with you.' She lay down, hair spilling like a golden waterfall onto the pillow. Ben lay down on his, hand grasped firmly round her small hand. There was nothing too intimate about their position; that was the last thing Ben would ever want do to Celaena. Her breathing evened as she fell asleep. And, after a few minutes, Ben joined her in the dream world.


Celaena awoke with a groggy head, unfamiliar with her surroundings. The the events of last night crashed into her, and she blinked furiously. Celaena looked over at Ben, snoring softly on his back. She looked at their joint hands and smiled. It was nice to have someone who cared. Gently, she eased her hand, now slick with sweat, from his. In the early dawn light, Celaena looked at his shirtless torso and admired his muscular arms and what she could see if his sculpted chest, pure fascination - none of those intentions in her mind. She fought the urge to trace the jagged scars that adorned his body, similar to the ones she had received within these few years the Keep. Celaena wanted to wait for him to wake so she could thank him, yet again, for his kindness. That brought a momentary thought of Sam to her mind. But she simply rearranged the covers as she slid out of the bed, straightened her crumpled robe, and slipped from the room.


Three hours later, Celaena had barely made it two steps out of the room before Arobynn swept past. He was in a surprisingly cheerful mood, for Arobynn's standards. 'There you are. Would it bother you if I asked for you to play for me?' 

Celaena blinked, hands dropping loose from her braiding. Her hair unravelled and fell in a knotted clump in front of her face. 'Of course.' Fancy Arobynn asking her to play for him. Celaena hurried to the music room, Arobynn following with his casual gait and a satisfied gleam in his eyes. Celaena brushed the stool before sitting down. She looked at Arobynn. 'Would you like to sit?' There was only one seat in room, but it was rather wide. Arobynn gave a brisk nod and slipped into the seat. Right next to her. She could smell his almond-like perfume as he ever so slowly wrapped an arm round her waist, and she involuntarily leaned into his warmth. A mere father-and-daughter gesture, but it meant so much to Celaena. Arobynn shifted slightly, to tell her he was ready. Celaena wasn't sure if she was. But she placed a hand on the keys, running through the music first in her head. Then, with a deep breath, she began.

The first notes weren't particularly strong, but Celaena delved into the piece, and slowly, the music grew. Within a month since beginning, her pianoforte lessons gradually lessened until she only had them monthly. Though Celaena was comfortable with reading sheet music, she preferred to play by memory, and the piece that flew from her fingers was one she had learnt almost immediately. It had a beautiful melody, with not-too-complicated riffs and simple chords, and Celaena loved it. She had sat at the pianoforte almost every night since to perfect the music.

The sound peaked around them, swirling higher and higher. Celaena closed her eyes and went into the surge and swirls of the strain; felt the unrelenting passion, the melancholic throbbing, and the sheer beauty of the music. When it came crashing down, Celaena jolted, eyes flying open as her fingers continued to run, unfaltering, down the keys, all from muscle memory. The piece was welded to her, to her heart, and Celaena bathed in the music, right to the end, when it ended with a firm, gentle grace. 

Arobynn seemed to sway slightly beside her. She looked at him. 'Did you like it?' 

His slender fingers brushed hers, still on the notes. 'You are going to play for me at least once every week.' 

Celaena would have squealed and hugged him, but she knew Arobynn probably wouldn't have appreciated it. So she gripped his hand right back and said, 'Okay.' 

Arobynn smiled. And ruffled her hair. Then he stood in a single, graceful movement and headed for the door. Celaena stared after him, mouth slack with surprise.

Perhaps the Gods were still with her, then. To gift her with two fatherly figures. Perhaps they were still there. Perhaps.

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