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Location: River Area, (formerly Montana, America). Friday, August 13th, 3127. 12:14AM.

Nick, Charleton, David and Robert's unconscious bodies were now floating down an ice-cold river in what use to be part of what was (formerly) known as Montana, America. Ever since they had all made a daring escape from their assailants back at the temple and jumped out of the small window that led outside and into the river, they had all been slowly drifting down stream with no end to their long trip in sight!

However, this all changed when Nick, David, and Robert all (except for Charleton who was still unconscious due to the severe injury he had received earlier) regained consciousness, noticed they were still floating down the river and all quickly swam to shore, bringing Charleton with them. Once on dry land again, Nick, David and Robert all stopped to catch their breath before they did anything else.

Aside from the river, there was nothing but another huge forest (like the one they had been in back in North Dakota) right in front of them. On the bright side, though, they had at least escaped from all those assassins that had been pursuing them.

Unfortunately, they had a new problem to deal with. Well, a couple new problems to be more exact!

First, Nick, David and Robert were now all shivering from being wet all over from the river water and from the fact that it was the middle of the night! It also certainly didn't help that there was now a cool breeze blowing all around them, either!

Second, Charleton was still in pretty bad shape from losing one of his arms earlier and unlike the rest of them, he was still unconscious, indicating that his condition was getting worse and that Nick, David and Robert needed to get him some medical help or who knows what would happen to him! Fortunately, Charleton still had a pulse and upon inspecting where his severed arm used to be, Nick, David and Robert all noticed, to their relief, that no more blood was pouring out of Charleton! But it would only stay that way if they kept the improvised gauze wrapping made out of some of Nick's tunic over his terrible wound! Doing this was crucial because it's a well-known fact that anyone can die from losing too much blood and Nick, David and Robert didn't plan on letting that happen to their friend!

Finally, Nick, David and Robert all realized that if they didn't find shelter soon, they would all probably die of hypothermia and freeze to death if they stayed outside in the cool and dark wilderness of the forest! Because of the last issue, Nick, David and Robert all decided that their first priority was to find shelter and stay warm. They could only hope that Charleton could pull through until the morning! Despite the situation that their friend was in, they all knew that it wouldn't matter if they went to get help now if they all just ended up just freezing to death before they could find anything or anyone that could help him!

With that, Nick, David and Robert all began to slowly and carefully make their way through the forest, searching for somewhere warm that they could all stay at for the night, while carrying the still unconscious Charleton with them. After awhile, they finally had some luck when they all found a big, empty cave and without a second thought, they all quickly went inside. The cave, of course, was no fancy hotel with warm, comfy beds and a TV, but it was good enough for all of them! It was definitely preferrable to freezing to death outside!

Nick, David and Robert were now all struggling to not fall unconscious again as they feared that if they passed out again now, then they wouldn't be waking back up, but soon that would turn out to only be the least of their problems when they all slowly began to hallucinate yet again! This time, they were all seeing only one person. It was Hap who was looking at them with a creepy, twisted grin on his face! "My! My! I've done a ton of crazy stuff over the years, but even I have never played 'The Kill People And Become A Murderer Game'!" the Hap hallucination taunted them. "And I thought people thought I was the one who went nuts, but killing another person, that just about takes the cake! Yum! Cake!"

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