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Location: Wild Kingdom. Kitchen and Dining Room. Somewhere in (former) Kenya, Africa. Thursday, September 2nd, 3127. 12:18AM.

In the meantime, back at The Wild Kingdom, The Commander and the others were still a bit confused and unsettled by Fiver's vision that he had just had not too long ago. What did he mean by two giants that would clash? They all knew that what he had said was true, but what they wanted to know was if two giants were coming, then who were they?

2016 Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, Eric Cartman, Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cookie Monster had barely spoken to The Commander, David, Charleton and Robert since reuniting with each other for obvious reasons. Even after all these years, they still hadn't forgiven them for not telling them the truth about their existences before The Emperor, who was previously referred to as Mr. Anonymous revealed everything to them before they had been sent to this terrible future, where said madman now ruled the planet with an iron fist!

The Commander, David, Charleton and Robert had already apologized to them and expressed their regret with keeping the truth about their existences a secret from them when they should've been honest and told them everything before. They wanted to go back to being friends and not being hated by them like they used to before they ended up in the future.

"After what you did, I don't want anything to do with you, much less be your friend!" 2016 Nick Wilde spoke angrily. "Back in Zootopia, I had been angry at carrots for blaming the biology of predators for The Night Howler Incidents, but it turns out that wasn't her fault! You and the people at Hollywood all those years ago made her say and do that! Those greedy and selfish moviemakers caused me and every other predator so much pain and damage! And for what!? Just to make a quick buck!? Just to add more drama and emotion to a movie that we were in that you made about us without our knowledge or consent!?"

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"Not to mention, it was that company Pixar and its parent company Disney that thought it would be a good idea to make predators across Zootopia start going savage after being shot by Night Howlers by Dawn Bellwether and her goons!" 2016 Judy Hopps chimed in. "While you were watching your so-called movie 'Zootopia', me and Nick were repeatedly put in danger and nearly killed multiple times during that movie! You thought it was fun watching us struggle, suffer and get hurt, but just like you, our world also has it share of problems! Just like this planet, we've had very dangerous criminals, dictators, murderers, deadly diseases, natural disasters, food shortages and war back home in the past!"

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