chapter two

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as monday rolled around, seonghwa and his friends sat at the outdoor lunch table, enjoying each other's company.

"i still can't believe chaeryeong ditched you to fuck yuta friday night. that's still hilarious to me." mingi said in between cackles, laughing at the defeated look in san's eyes.

"it's because this fucker made us shotgun beers to see who would have to babysit his weird younger brother! i would've so smashed otherwise. and you all knew i was going to win anyway! really ruined my chances." san gave jongho the side eye and jongho just shrugged, laughing at his friend.

"yep, keep telling yourself that." seonghwa laughed at san as the younger gave him the finger.

"san, you shouldn't be calling jongho's brother weird. you know he can't help it. and jongho, you should be standing up for your brother!" yunho said in disbelief.

"i mean, san's not wrong when he says hongjoong is wei--" jongho's sentence was cut off by an ear piercing screech coming from the football field, "see, that's him and his friends right there. they're all weird." jongho said as he shook his head.

"who the hell screamed like that? i think my ear is bleeding!" mingi dramatically screamed out as he lifted his hands and covered his ears to protect himself from the bloodcurdling scream.

"that was his friend wooyoung. he's a handful." jongho said as his eyes widened, "seonghwa, you're lucky you don't have to watch all three of them at the same time by yourself. it's literally impossible."

"what's so hard about it?" yunho asked as he raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"well, hongjoong isn't too bad. i'm used to his weird habits and i know what triggers him and stuff like that. and yeosang is ok too. he's the little one sitting on the ground over there," jongho said as he pointed to a small boy who was flying a drone around with a remote control, "he's actually selectively mute, so whenever i'm around he never talks. so it's easy to watch him. but wooyoung, sheesh. he's the problem child. he has adhd and terrible anxiety issues. i know he can't help it, but god damn the boy never sits still!"

seonghwa looked over at the three boys who were playing on the field. like jongho pointed out, he noticed yeosang sitting on the floor as wooyoung and hongjoong ran around in circles. he began thinking of what he'd have to deal with next saturday and he rolled his eyes.

babysitting was not seonghwa's thing, especially for a boy who was only a year younger than he was. seonghwa liked drinking excessive amounts of liquor, partying every weekend, and hanging out with his friends. he couldn't be bothered helping anyone besides himself, and he knew on saturday he'd have to give hongjoong all the attention.

"jongho, babysitting him is going to be a nightmare." seonghwa said as he rolled his eyes.

"well, maybe drink faster next time." mingi shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his water as he leaned back into his chair.

seonghwa mimicked the taller boy and looked back over to hongjoong. when he looked, he saw hongjoong rolling around in the turf while holding a dolphin plushie. seonghwa scoffed, not understanding why he'd bring a toy to high school.

"does your brother always carry a stuffed animal with him?" seonghwa asked jongho, laughing at the the younger who was playing innocently on the field.

"not always, but sometimes. i try to convince him not to bring them to school, but he never listens to me. i tell him it's embarrassing but he says he doesn't care. on these days, i just speed ahead of him so people don't see me walking with him into the building." jongho explained, making yunho frown.

"can we please change the subject? i don't feel comfortable sitting here and bad mouthing jongho's brother when he's just trying to enjoy his free time with his friends." yunho said, glaring at jongho and seonghwa in specific. both boys shrugged their shoulders and began discussing some project they had to do for biology class.

after a few moments, the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. the boys got up, grabbing their bags and started heading back inside the building for their next class.

before going in, seonghwa turned around to get another look at hongjoong and his friends. he saw hongjoong and wooyoung get up and run together towards the school together, their other friend yeosang noticing and running closely behind. he sighed to himself, not excited for the weekend to come.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now