chapter seventy

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for the first time since friday night, hongjoong was able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour tuesday night. when he woke up wednesday morning, he was still hurting, but he had enough of staying home.

hongjoong sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, checking his phone before getting out of bed.

seongie 🧚🏼‍♀️
i hope you answer me one day
sent 10:48 pm

i'll always wait for you, whenever you're ready to talk again i'll be here
sent 11:28 pm

i miss you
sent 12:21 am

you haven't read my messages yet, i hope that means you were able to fall asleep tonight
sent 12:56 am

sent 2:59 am

"i miss you too seongie, i miss you too..." hongjoong whispered to himself, holding back the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. he rapidly shook his head and threw his phone down, fighting every urge to answer seonghwa's messages. hongjoong knew seonghwa deserved everything he was doing to him, but hongjoong couldn't help the desire he had to talk to the older.

hongjoong turned his head to his door when he heard a little knock. he recognized the knock as jongho's, giving his brother permission to enter his room.

"oh good, you're awake. good morning babe." jongho said calmly, turning on hongjoong's light and sitting next to him on his bed.

"yeah, i was actually able to fall asleep at around ten last night," hongjoong chuckled, "and i really want to go to school today." hongjoong yawned out.

jongho smiled widely, "that's great!"

"but," hongjoong quickly interrupted, "i'm still not talking to seonghwa. don't try to get him to come up to me or to talk to me or anything. i need my space, but i miss my friends." hongjoong spoke firmly, making sure to get his point across to jongho.

"of course, anything you say." jongho put his hands up defensively, promising not to overstep any of hongjoong's boundaries.

jongho stood up from hongjoong's bed and started walking to his door, "but you should definitely get up now, it's getting late. we have to leave in a half an hour." jongho said before exiting the room and closing hongjoong's door behind him.

as hongjoong was about to stand up, he felt his phone buzz. he read the text out loud and sighed, already beginning to regret telling jongho he'd go to school today.

seongie 🧚🏼‍♀️
good morning hongjoong. i hope you come to school today. regardless, have a great day. it's what you deserve
read 6:52 am


"joongie! you came to school today!" wooyoung screamed out when he saw the blonde boy walk through the classroom door for the first time since friday. yeosang quickly turned his head towards the boy and smiled, excited to see his friend.

"hi guys." hongjoong weakly responded, taking his usual seat in the classroom.

"i missed you so so much!" wooyoung cheered, running over to hongjoong from his own seat. yeosang also stood up and walked over, sitting on top of hongjoong's desk table.

"i missed you guys too. what has happened since i was last here?" hongjoong asked as he gave his friends a knowing look, hoping they would catch on to his what he meant by his question.

"nothing much in class, you're lucky you missed these past two days. it's been so boring!" wooyoung exclaimed, not catching onto hongjoong's previous look at all. yeosang rolled his eyes and hit the boy lightly on the arm, causing wooyoung to screech out dramatically.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now