chapter four

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"joongie, your friends are here!" hongjoong's mom called from the living room, to which hongjoong sprinted as fast as he could down the stairs to greet his best friends.

"sangie! youngie!" hongjoong hugged his best friends tight, the two of them hugging him back with equally as much force.

"ok boys, since you are sleeping at hongjoong's house tonight, make sure to be extremely respectful to ms. kim. try not to go to bed too late, wooyoung your bedtime is usually ten thirthy but it's ok if you stay up a little later. be safe and have fun!" wooyoung's mom informed the two boys she dropped off, them and hongjoong all nodding their heads at a fast pace. she then gave her son a kiss goodbye and a small 'thank you' to hongjoong's mother before walking away.

"bye mommy! have fun at the wedding!" wooyoung called out and waved to his mother one last time before she got in her car and headed to the reception hall, him standing in the doorway and watching her car drive down the block until it was out of sight.

"boys, are you excited for the sleepover!?" ms. kim excitedly called out, hongjoong and wooyoung screamed in response and yeosang smiled widely. "ok, so hongjoong has the plans for the night. tell them the ideas we came up with!"

"ok! so it's only six o'clock right now. first, mommy is buying us pizza and chicken!" yeosang squealed at the mention of chicken and hongjoong's mother cooed at how cute he sounded.

"then! it gets better. so, after dinner, we can have a tea party! i got a really pretty new princess dress! so wooyoung, you can wear the purple one i was wearing at the last tea party that you loved!"

"yay! that was such a pretty dress!" wooyoung jumped up and down, extremely excited to wear hongjoong's purple princess dress.

"after that, we can watch a movie! i don't know which one yet, but we can decide that later. then it's ice cream time! after ice cream, we can brush our teeth and..." hongjoong leaned closer to his friends and whispered, "go to sleep." with a wink, indicating that the boys would stay up later than was originally planned.

hongjoong's mother pretended not to see the wink, finding it cute that the boys wanted to 'break the rules' and stay up later. "ok boys, i'll get out of your hair! food should be here any minute, until then you can go to hongjoong's ro--"

before her sentence was finished, all three boys ran up the stairs to hongjoong's room. once they entered the room, wooyoung ran over to hongjoong's drawer of princess costumes.

"can i please please please put it on now!? i can't wait any longer! please joongie!" wooyoung begged, jumping up and down while holding the dress in his hands.

"of course! we should all put our dresses on, and wear them to dinner! it can be, i can be like..." hongjoong put his finger on his chin in thought.

"like a royal dinner party!" yeosang exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.

"yes sangie, exactly!" hongjoong said as he began taking his shirt off to get into the costume.

hongjoong's new dress was a beautiful baby pink with rose gold sparkles all over. wooyoung wore a lavender and royal purple dress and yeosang decided on the yellow and gold dress, his usual choice.

the boys looked at themselves in hongjoong's big mirror, all loving the outfits they wore. after admiring themselves for a few moments, there was a small knock on the door.

"um, dinner's ready boys." jongho said and hongjoong stomped his foot.

"you know how much i hate it when you call us boys when we're in our princess costumes. you must call us your highnesses!" hongjoong huffed, giving jongho his hand.

"ok, fine. your highnesses, dinner's ready." jongho blunty said, trying to hide his annoyance with a charming smile.

"on our way kind sir." hongjoong said with a bow to which jongho walked away. yeosang let out a big breath that he'd been holding in since jongho walked in the room and moved from where he was hiding behind wooyoung.

"you know, he'll eventually realize you like him if you always hide your face around him! that's what people do when they have a crush on someone." wooyoung said as he crossed his arms. yeosang just sighed and began walking towards the door, knowing that jongho would never return the feeling he had for the elder.


"mom, please. it's embarrassing!"

"jongho, no! you're home tonight, so please do this for your brother! you know how happy it makes him and his friends feel when you play with them, especially yeosang. it's the right thing to do!" jongho's mother yelled at her son, trying to convince him to play tea party with his brother and his friends.

"that makes it even weirder! we all know yeosang likes me, and i feel bad because i don't like him back! and anytime i try to speak to him, he doesn't even answer me! wooyoung just answers for him." jongho complained.

"you know he can't help that. he's selectively mute! and he gets extra nervous around you. now please, if not for them, do it for me. it won't even be for a long time." jongho's mother begged, making jongho roll his eyes.

"whatever, i'll go." jongho said as he threw his hands in the air in defeat. as he made his way upstairs, he could hear the boys talking to hongjoong's stuffed animals.

"innie the fox, you look exquisite tonight! and you hyuka the dolphin, is that a new tuxedo?" wooyoung asked in a slight british accent.

jongho knocked on hongjoong's door, already regretting agreeing to play with the boys. but no matter how cold he might seem on the outside, jongho loved his brother. he knew how happy it made hongjoong when he played with him and his friends, so he took the opportunity to see a smile on the younger's face.

"wow! look guys, a beautiful prince decided to join our tea party!" hongjoong called out in a high voice. wooyoung curtsied to the boy and yeosang hid his head in his hands.

"hello your highnesses. may i have my jacket?" jongho asked and hongjoong ran over to his draw, pulling out the white prince jacket jongho had in his room.

jongho put the jacket on and sat down next to his brother, to which hongjoong replied, "oh no! you can't sit here, that's googie the bunny's seat! you must sit next to princess yeosang." hongjoong said, winking at wooyoung.

yeosang's eyes widened at the statement and began shaking his head. jongho listened to his brother's orders and sat next to yeosang. even though yeosang wanted to scream out to oppose this seating arrangement, his mind wouldn't let him. he had to stay silent, but he wished that he could say something in that exact moment.

"hello princess yeosang." jongho said, smiling at the boy next to him. yeosang gave him a small smile, trying to hide the blush that was forming on his face.

"may i have my tea and sandwiches please?!" wooyoung called out, bouncing up and down in his seat. unfortunately, his fidgeting knocked over the plastic pink tea kettle that was thankfully only holding water all over the floor.

"princess wooyoung, look at the mess you've made!" hongjoong screamed out, pointing at the mess on his bedroom floor.

"ugh, how do i always do these things!" wooyoung screamed out in frustration as jongho just chuckled at his brother's friend's clumsiness.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now