chapter seven

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guys, jongho's friend is babysitting me tonight and he's being mean to me!

WHAT!!!!! why!!!!

is he being really mean?

hongjoong knew seonghwa was being really mean to him, but he didn't want his friends to worry. he's honestly not even sure why he ended up texting his friends about it in the first place, but it just happened.

no, but he didn't want to get up and get me ice cream! i had to do it all on my own!

that wasn't a lie, seonghwa didn't want to get him ice cream, but hongjoong decided to leave out the name calling and insults.

fight him!!!! my best friend should not have to deal with such a meanie babysitter!

wait, no fighting! fighting is bad

don't worry sangie, i won't fight him. but still! i miss you guys, i wish you weren't both busy tonight!

i wish so too, we could've hung out and you wouldn't have to be with a meanie!


well i have to go now, jongho will be home any minute! bye guys, i love you!

bye joongie!!!! bye sangie!!!

bye besties!

hongjoong put his phone down and continued concentrating on the movie in front of him while cuddling into his flamingo plushie. seonghwa looked up at the boy and chuckled to himself.

"do you always cuddle stuffed animals while watching disney movies made for children?" seonghwa asked, bluntly.

"yes, i do. i love the princesses and i love my mihi." hongjoong said as he snuggled further into the pink plush in his arms.

"mihi? you named it?" seonghwa asked in disbelief.

"she's a her! and yes, i named her. i name all my plushies. do you want to see them?" hongjoong asked with hopeful eyes.

seonghwa scoffed at the younger, "why would i want to see your collection of stuffed, overpriced fabric. if i'm being honest, i couldn't care less. again, it's childish. you should try to make some real friends rather than having ones you sew together."

"i do have real friends! and you know, you could be nicer to me." hongjoong mumbled as he covered his body with a fluffy blanket.

"hmmm, let me think about that..." seonghwa placed a finger on his chin, pretending to think, "no, i think i'm doing fine right now actually. thanks for trying though."

before hongjoong could answer back, he heard the turning of a key in the front door.

"finally, jongie is back!" hongjoong squealed as he ran towards the front door.

when the door opened and jongho walked in, hongjoong attacked his brother with a hug. "hyung, you're home!"

"hi joong, how was hanging out with seonghwa?" seonghwa's heart sank when he heard jongho's question. he was afraid hongjoong would tell jongho about how awful he treated hongjoong all night, but he was relieved to hear hongjoong's answer.

"we had a lot of fun! we watched spongebob and we watched moana and we ate ice cream... seonghwa even helped me get the ice cream out of the carton!" hongjoong said, slightly lying to his brother. all of those things did happen, but seonghwa was definitely not interested in any of it.

"really?" jongho sounded shocked, looking at his friend who faked a smile.

"yeah, it was great. hongjoong seemed to have fun." seonghwa said, lying through his teeth.

"well, i'm glad you guys had a good time. but joong, i need to talk to seonghwa privately, ok? go up to your room and get ready for bed, it's very late." jongho asked the younger who nodded and followed his orders, leaving the two to talk.

"i know that was a load of bullshut. no way you were nice to him. so what actually happened?" jongho asked seonghwa, who's face dropped a bit.

"it was nothing bad. but i didn't watch those shows or movies with him. he watched them and i was on my phone."

"hey hey, whatever. i don't really care that much, but i just hope you weren't too harsh. he needs to face reality at some point of his life, maybe you'll help him out with that." jongho shrugged and seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows.

"what do you mean 'help him out?' don't tell me i have to watch him again." seonghwa begged and jongho smiled mischievously.

"all i know is that i have another date with ryujin next weekend, so if my mom isn't home, you'll most likely be here." jongho said flatly, angering seonghwa.

"what the hell! so cause you bagged some bitch, now i can't have a social life? no, fuck that. i won't do it." seonghwa shook his head.

"how about for twenty dollars an hour?" after hearing the price jongho was offering him, seonghwa smiled softly.

"hmm, i'll think about it." seonghwa said and gave his friend a pat on the back, "i'll head out now, i'll catch up with you later."

"bye hwa, see you soon." jongho waved goodbye as his friend walked out the door towards his car.

jongho walked upstairs to his brother's room to see him sitting on his bed, playing with his stuffed animals. "i see you're wearing my hoodie to bed again tonight?" jongho chuckled at seeing the oversized blue hoodie hongjoong was wearing.

"your clothes are more comfy than mine sometimes since they're so big on me." hongjoong said as he snuggled into the huge hoodie.

"i'm glad you like it, joongie. it looks adorable on you." jongho said sweetly as he sat next to his brother on his bed. "i have a question for you though." jongho asked and hongjoong looked up at him.

"what is it?"

"was seonghwa mean to you tonight? at all?" jongho saw the slight frown form on hongjoong's face, but it was immediately replaced with a huge smile.

"he was so nice! no need to worry." hongjoong answered back to his brother. he hated having his family worry about him, so he always smiled to show them that nothing was wrong, even if something was.

"if you say so, my love. but you should definitely get some sleep, mom wouldn't want you to stay up any later than now. it's already past midnight." jongho said as he stood up from hongjoong's bed, tucking the younger in.

"goodnight jongie. i love you!" hongjoong said as his brother leaned down to give him a kiss on the forehead.

"goodnight joongie. i love you too." jongho told his brother as he moved towards the door, shut the lights off, and walked to his own room to get ready for bed.

don't worry we can all fight seonghwa together. power!✊🏼


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