chapter thirty six

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after coming home from hongjoong's house the night prior, seonghwa couldn't stop think about the boy. he wanted to spend more time with him, seonghwa needed to see him again.

seonghwa opened his phone and quickly sighed when he realized he forgot to ask hongjoong for his number last night. he had no way to contact the boy, and this annoyed seonghwa to no end.

he began thinking of a way he could see the boy once again before the weekend ended.

hongjoong had told him that his mother wasn't coming home until saturday night, so that meant that the only possible time he could babysit the boy would be during the day.

seonghwa realized he had nothing to lose, so he opened his messages with jongho and began typing.

so your brother told me yesterday that your mom wasn't coming home until like six tonight, do you need me to watch him this afternoon?

no i don't, i'll be home this afternoon. but thanks for checking up with me

seonghwa grunted at jongho's reply. he was annoyed at his friend, wishing jongho was going out with ryujin again today. seonghwa didn't want to take no for an answer, so he decided he needed to press jongho further.

wait, so you're not going on a date with ryujin this afternoon?

no, i'm gonna see her tonight at the party. we didn't have plans this afternoon

wow, that's not really sentimental is it?

what do you mean?

i mean, you're just gonna take your girlfriend to a party and nothing beforehand? no lunch, no walk in the park, no movie?

no? i took her out to dinner yesterday. i don't have tons of money to throw around since i need to pay you to watch joong

idk man, kinda rude if you ask me

excuse me?

i just feel like you should take her out beforehand, somewhere cute or something

do you like, want to watch my brother or something?

seonghwa froze a bit, internally freaking out when he read jongho's reply.

he knows something is up...

it's not that! i just want her to feel special, you know?

hello? is this seonghwa i'm speaking to?

yep, it's me

do you just need more money or something?

no, honestly you don't even need to pay me. i'm kind of bored anyway, hongjoong keeps me company

so you're telling me that you're ASKING me to watch my brother, for free, because you're bored and so i can take my girlfriend on a date?

is there something wrong with looking out for a friend?

seriously, are you taking drugs or something?

last time i do a favor for you!

i mean, i guess i can ask ryu if she'd like to go out?

great! lmk what she says

you're fucking weird man...

seonghwa smiled widely. he figured there would most likely be a positive outcome, and he was excited to see his favorite boy once again. before he could think any further, seonghwa felt his phone buzz, indicating he got a text message from someone. seonghwa scrambled, quickly opening his phone to answer jongho.

much to his dismay, the text message that appeared in his phone wasn't from jongho, but from his friend yunho. seonghwa quietly sighed, opening the message and answering regardless of his slightly lowered mood.

hey man, i got a big request. i know i'm always the driver for all our parties, but i honestly wanna get hammered tonight...

wait... mom? wants to DRINK? what world are we in! your honor, i'm scared!

oh calm down drama queen
you know how stressed i've been about... you know who recently. i just wanna get the edge off, maybe drinking is what i need right now

of course man. i'll drive tonight, i wasn't planning on drinking much anyway if i'm being honest

you're a doll. thank you so much!

anytime! love you jeong

love you too!💞

as seonghwa was reading yunho's last text, a notification from jongho popped up on his phone. he squealed a bit, quickly clicking to see the boy's response.

hey freaky face boy
she said she's free, so you can watch joong today

seonghwa jumped up from his bed, bouncing a little in his seat from excitement.

great! what time should i come?

come at one thirty

ok, i'll be there!

you're still creeping me out a bit
but i'll see you then

seonghwa put his phone down and ran to the bathroom with a big smile on his face. he wanted to look presentable for hongjoong, wanting to make the afternoon extra special for the younger boy.

lol i called seonghwa freaky face boy... that's what my mom calls him😪she doesn't really know any of the members besides seonghwa, but she refuses to call him by his real name. the DISRESPECT!!! but if you ever ask her, she'll say she's a jongho bias because she loves his voice😶

y'all it's so weird writing yunho as the mom of the group and not seonghwa... lol but like... seonghwa is NOT the mom in this story. what a rude mother he'd be🤧i mean now he's nice but like, back then...? no sir!!🙌🏼😳


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