chapter eighty one

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as soon as seonghwa finished his text conversion with his friends, he sprinted to the mall to buy hongjoong his cinderella dress and tiara. he knew that materialistic items weren't the proper way to someone's heart, but he figured it could up his chances a bit.

"ok seonghwa, you got this. just tell him how you feel... tell him how much he means to you. he'll definitely say yes." seonghwa said to himself as he drove from the mall to hongjoong's house, giving himself a much need pep talk.

i mean, he'll definitely say yes... right?

seonghwa started getting nervous again, his haunting thoughts clouding his brain just like they did before. he didn't know if he was rushing things or if this was even a good idea, but he couldn't hold back any longer. he wanted to officially make hongjoong his.

all i want is hongjoong... his beautiful eyes, his precious smile, his impeccable style, his flamboyant personality, his soft skin... but what if he doesn't want me back?

before he could think any further, seonghwa's car pulled up to hongjoong's house.

"damn, how did i get here so fast? i guess i was overthinking so much that i didn't even realize..." seonghwa said to himself as he hit his head on the steering wheel over and over again, trying to rid his mind of the negative thoughts that were flooding through.

if i don't get out of this car right now, i'll never get out, seonghwa thought to himself.

seonghwa put his car in park and unbuckled his seatbelt before turning the car off with a loud sigh. he grabbed the wrapped cinderella dress and tiara that was sitting in the passenger's seat and held onto the box tightly in fear. he took a deep breath and stepped outside of the vehicle, slowly shutting the door in hopes to pass more time and ease his nerves. he then waltzed his way to the front door and took one more deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

well here goes nothing...

seonghwa heard the little footsteps of hongjoong's tiny feet pitter patter towards the front door and saw the boy look through the peephole in curiosity. when hongjoong realized seonghwa was outside the door, the boy squealed in excitement and quickly swung the door open for the older.

"seongie! you didn't tell me you were coming over today, i would've put some pants on if i knew!" hongjoong covered his mouth in embarrassment as he giggled, wearing only a big yellow crew neck and matching boxer shorts.

"it's ok honey, don't worry about it. i just wanted to talk to you for a bit, is it ok if i come inside?" seonghwa asked a bit shaky, his nerves taking over as he spoke. hongjoong's heart immediately dropped after hearing what seonghwa had to say, but he moved to the side and let the boy in regardless.

"is there something wrong?" hongjoong asked worriedly as he shut the door behind seonghwa, a frown forming on his face as he spoke.

seonghwa quickly realized that his comment could've been taken the wrong way and he started panicking even more, waving his hands in the air before he spoke, "no! no, i'm sorry that it sounded that way. there's nothing wrong, i promise! i just had a question for you." seonghwa reassured the boy and hongjoong let out a deep breath, smiling widely after hearing seonghwa's cute apology.

"oh ok! you made me nervous." hongjoong gigged as he put his hand out for seonghwa to hold onto, "do you want to go to my room to talk about it?" hongjoong asked.

"yes, that would be great actually." seonghwa nodded his head.

before walking upstairs, hongjoong's mother walked into the hallway from the kitchen and stopped the boys in their tracks, "seonghwa! i haven't seen you in a few days." she greeted the boy kindly, opening her arms wide for the boy to hug her. seonghwa quickly let go of hongjoong's hand and hugged the woman back tightly, still holding onto the box filled with hongjoong's gifts.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now