chapter fifty seven

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jongho ran to the door as the bell went off through the house. he put a smile on his face, wanting to make the night special for him and his girlfriend, regardless if they haven't had the best few days together.

as he opened the front door, jongho was greeted with an obviously annoyed ryujin. she stood slouched over with her arms crossed, and if looks could kill, jongho would certainly be dead right now.

"ryu, are you ok?" jongho asked as he moved to the side, inviting the girl inside. she stomped her way in and closed the door loudly behind her, startling her boyfriend as she did so.

"am i ok? does it look like i'm ok? no, i'm obviously not ok!" she screamed a bit too loud, catching jongho's mother's attention from the kitchen. rather than interrupting, she eavesdropped on the conversation, wanting to know why ryujin sounded so angry without the two of them knowing that she was listening.

"so what happened? did i do something wrong?" jongho asked, trying not to get riled up since the night had barely started yet.

"it's our two month anniversary, and this is what we're doing for it? dinner at your house?" she spoke with her arms folded and eyebrows furrowed.

jongho was confused by what ryujin meant by her statement. if he was being honest, jongho thought that having dinner with his family would be a cute idea for their minuscule milestone.

"what do you mean? is there something wrong with that?" jongho asked.

"obviously! we've been together for two months, and nothing? no fancy dinner, no movie date, no shopping spree?" ryujin sassily screamed out.

jongho looked at ryujin wide eyed after hearing her reasoning for being so angry. he couldn't believe what the girl in front of him was saying.

jongho was angry, angrier than he's ever been with his girlfriend.

"ryujin, are you kidding me? do you hear what you sound like?" he whisper screamed to the girl.

"what do i sound like, jongho? a girlfriend who thinks she deserves more? because i certainly think this isn't enough!" ryujin threw her arms in the air as she spoke.

"i'm sorry i couldn't take you out. i don't have much money left, i spent it all on you and babysitters for my brother because you wanted to go out! i thought maybe you'd like a home cooked meal, one that i helped make, as a gift. i even bought you flowers and that very expensive dress you wanted, but i guess it's not enough for you." jongho lifted his arms in defeat, not knowing what else he could have done to make the night more special for his spoiled girlfriend.

"no, it's not enough!" she bluntly stated.

"you know, you're honestly ridiculous. i really thought maybe you'd be more understanding today because it's our anniversary, but nothing has changed." jongho rolled his eyes as he made his way into the living room without waiting for ryujin to follow behind. he plopped himself on the couch and put his legs up so his girlfriend couldn't sit next to him.

the girl quickly followed behind jongho, lowering her voice a bit, "are we at least going to have alone time during dinner?" ryujin asked as she leaned down over his body.

"no, my mom and brother are going to eat with us." jongho simply stated, not meeting ryujin's eyes as he spoke.

"great! so now on top of us having dinner at your house for our anniversary, we're eating with your entire family!" ryujin chuckled a bit as she spoke to emphasize how annoyed she was.

"ryujin, we've been together for two months! you're acting like this is our two year anniversary! and sue my mother for wanting to have dinner with you." jongho yelled out, not caring if his mother heard what was going on in the room.

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