chapter seventy nine

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jongho shook off his overwhelming nerves as he walked towards the door and answered it for the boy behind it. it was his first official date with yeosang and he wanted everything he had planned to go perfectly.

"hi sangie." jongho greeted the smaller boy after he opened the door for him. yeosang gave him a wave and a smile and walked inside, moving to the side to allow jongho to close and lock the door behind him.

"this way." jongho held out his hand for yeosang to grab onto and guestered towards the kitchen. the two walked inside the room, hand in hand the whole way.

jongho pulled a seat out and pointed for yeosang to sit, to which the boy gladly took. yeosang pulled himself closer to the table as jongho took the seat beside him and did the same thing.

before talking any further, jongho pulled out his phone for yeosang to type on. yeosang had a phone, but jongho thought it was gentleman-like to allow yeosang to use his phone instead of yeosang's personal.

yeosang took the device from jongho and opened the notes app, immediately typing something out for jongho to read. he typed away and turned the phone to face jongho, the boy taking it and reading carefully.

'again, i'm really sorry we couldn't go to the light show tonight. my mom didn't want me out too late since it's a monday.' yeosang frowned a bit and jongho shook his head at the apology.

"don't worry sangie, it's completely ok. i understand her not wanting us to go there tonight, we wouldn't be able to leave until around seven since it doesn' t open until it's dark out. i'm perfectly fine with staying in the house, we can always go another day." jongho smiled widely, putting his hand on yeosang's thigh as he spoke. yeosang took back jongho's phone and began typing once again.

'still, i wish we could've gone. that sounded like a really cute first date.' yeosang showed the device to jongho and he waved him off.

"i mean it, it's ok! maybe we can go to the light show this weekend or something. christmas isn't for another two weeks, i promise we'll find time to go." jongho reassured yeosang and the boy smiled.

'yay!' yeosang giggled and jongho cooed at how adorable yeosang looked when smiling.

"i love your smile so much, yeosang. but what i have planned for today will be a lot of fun! w-well, i mean at least i hope it is..." jongho trailed off with a stutter, suddenly having second thoughts about his idea. yeosang picked up jongho's phone and began typing a response.

'jongho, i promise i'll love anything that we do today. as long as i'm with you, i'm happy.' yeosang showed jongho his phone and jongho smiled after reading the boy's cute response.

jongho pinched the boy's cheeks before standing up and walking to the kitchen counter. jongho picked up a box and came back to the table with it in his hands. he placed the cardboard box down carefully so as to not break the fragile pieces inside.

when yeosang saw the box, he screeched out in excitement. he immediately picked up jongho's phone and began violently typing, a huge smile on his face the whole time.

'a gingerbread house?! yay, i love making gingerbread houses!' yeosang showed the phone with a smile, his little legs bouncing up and down under the table in excitement.

jongho let out a loud sigh of relief, "oof, thank god. i was really nervous. i wanted to stay in the christmas spirit, but i know some people don't like making gingerbread houses." jongho said as he scratched the back of his head nervously.

'those people must be crazy!' yeosang giggled and jongho nodded his head in agreement.

"and also, i just wanted to make sure... you're still staying for dinner, right?" jongho asked to make sure of his dinner plans.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now