chapter forty five

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after the end credits had finished playing, hongjoong was finally ready to leave the theater.

"so, how'd you like the movie little cutie?" seonghwa asked as he reclined his seat back to its original position, standing up and putting a hand out for hongjoong to grab onto.

the boy accepted, julting his body off the seat with a bit of seonghwa's help, "it was the bestest movie ever! i loved it even more than the first!"

"why's that?" seonghwa questioned as the two walked out of the theater side by side.

"well duh, isn't it obvious? i got to watch it with you!" hongjoong giggled, hitting seonghwa's chest lightly as he spoke.

"hongjoong, i swear you're the cutest human being alive." seonghwa shook his head, cooing at how cute the younger was.

"nope! not true." hongjoong disagreed as they walked up to seonghwa's car.

"so tell me, who's cuter than you?" seonghwa leaned against the passenger side of the car, not allowing hongjoong to get inside until his question was answered.

"because you're alive too, and you're the cutest human being alive!" hongjoong poked seonghwa's chest with an eye roll, acting like he was stating the obvious.

seonghwa blushed ever so slightly at hongjoong's comment, "you're the best, joongie."

"thank you." he giggled in response. seonghwa then opened the door for hongjoong and made his way to the driver's side, taking a seat and backing out of the spot.

the car ride home was silent, but a comfortable silence at that... like no words needed to be spoken, their loud beating hearts being enough for the two of them.

though silent, hongjoong's mind was running wild. he was feeling so many emotions; happiness because of seonghwa, excitement from his first date, but sadness now that he had to leave the boy.

he groaned as seonghwa approached his house, turning to face the boy with a frown, "seongie, i don't want to leave yet!"

"baby, it's almost eleven. your mommy said she wanted you home by eleven, and i don't want to disobey her rules." seonghwa explained to the younger who sighed.

"but like you said, it's almost eleven. can't we sit together for a bit longer? pleeease?" hongjoong dragged out, begging the older to listen to his pleads.

seonghwa chuckled a bit at hongjoong's reaction and turned his body to completely face the boy. he grabbed both of hongjoong's tiny hands and held them in his own. hongjoong blushed at the action, taking it upon himself to intertwine their fingers.

"so, what do you want to talk about then?" seonghwa asked and hongjoong began thinking.

"oh, i know! when can i see you again?" hongjoong tilted his head, looking into seonghwa's eyes as he asked his question.

"when do you want to see me again?" seonghwa smirked.

"i wanna see you tomorrow, but i can't! i'm already going to wooyoungie's house." hongjoong's head dropped, a frown forming on his face.

seonghwa lifted the boy's head up by his chin, "it's ok hun, we can see each other on monday. it's not too far away."

hongjoong smiled, "yeah, you're right. but i already miss you, and i haven't even left yet!" hongjoong cried out.

"well i already miss you too. but look at the time, it's eleven now. if i walk you inside right now, maybe your mommy will let me take you out on monday since we have the day off from school!" seonghwa exclaimed and hongjoong's eyes lit up, the boy immediately opening the car door and running towards the house.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now