chapter twenty one

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ding dong!

hongjoong ran to the door, excited to see the boy he knew was behind it.

"wooyoungie!" he cheered, hugging one half of his best friends.

"hi joongie!" he smiled at the smaller boy in front of him, "you ready to go?"

"yeah, let me just tell jongho i'm leaving." hongjoong pointed towards the elder's room and made his way over.

"was that wooyoung at the door, hun?" jongho asked as hongjoong approached his bedroom door, the younger nodding his head.

"yes. we're going to sangie's. what time is yunho picking me up?" hongjoong questioned, knowing jongho doesn't drive when he goes to san's house for parties.

"probably eleven. we won't stay too late because we don't want yeosang's mom to have to wait up for us. is that ok?" jongho asked his brother who gave him a thumbs up.

"that's perfect! i'll see you later hyung!" hongjoong waved goodbye and ran towards the front door of the house, shutting it behind him as he walked with wooyoung to his mother's car.

"hello beautiful boy." wooyoung's mother turned to face hongjoong and smiled at the boy.

hongjoong giggled in response, "hi mrs. jung! how are you?"

"i'm doing great, sweetie. how was your day?" she asked and a small frown appeared on the boy's face, quickly turning it upside down before anyone could notice.

"it was ok. my brother's friend babysat me this morning. we made pizza! it was delicious!" hongjoong smiled widely.

"that sounds like a great time." she nodded her head as she kept her eyes glued to the road.

wooyoung turned around to face his friend and let out a loud screech, frightening both the driver and the passenger in the car, "joong, are you wearing makeup!?"

hongjoong honestly forgot he had the products on his face. he was slightly embarrassed, but nodded his head nonetheless, "yes. i was bored today, so i put it on for fun!"

"you look so pretty!" wooyoung cheered, grabbing hongjoong's cheek and pulling on it a bit.

hongjoong blushed at the cute action from his friend, "thank you!"

"of course! i love you so so much!" wooyoung giggled and turned around as his mother pulled up to yeosang's house.

"ok, wooyoung i will pick you up at nine thirty as i always do. hongjoong, are you sure you have a ride home? wooyoung told me your brother won't be home until a little later." wooyoung's mom asked, making sure the boy had a way of getting home.

"yes. my brother's friend yunho is picking me up, but thank you for the offer!" he thanked the woman and she smiled at the boy.

wooyoung was bouncing impatiently, overly excited to get out of the car and into yeosang's house, "ok mommy, are you done? i need to see sangie!"

"yes honey, i'm sorry for keeping you boys. have fun! i'll see you later wooyoung and i'll see you soon hongjoong." she grabbed her son's head and kissed him goodbye, catching his last bit of attention before he could sprint out of the car. hongjoong waved goodbye to the woman, quickly following his speedy friend.

as he stepped out of the car, wooyoung was already aggressively ringing yeosang's doorbell. thankfully, yeosang opened the door in no time.

"sangie!!!!" wooyoung screamed and tackled his friend with a huge hug.

"hi yeosangie!" hongjoong greeted his friend who gave a small wave back.

"come on in." yeosang motioned for them to walk in, wooyoung turning around and vigorously waving goodbye to his mom before she drove off.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now