chapter fifty two

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hongjoong walked into the cafeteria with wooyoung and yeosang thursday afternoon and made their way to seonghwa's table. rather than sitting in their usual spot, seonghwa and his friends have asked them to sit at their table for the remainder of the year.

"i still can't believe i get to sit next to san every single day at lunch! i swear, he gets sexier and sexier every time i see him!" wooyoung screamed a little too loudly as they neared the lunch table, san turning around and laughing a bit. wooyoung's face immediately turned a bright shade of red as he took a seat, hongjoong laughing at the interaction between the two and yeosang shaking his head at his friend's careless behavior.

"so you think i'm sexy? good to know." san winked as he put an arm around the younger, causing wooyoung to shriek in response.

seonghwa and jongho then entered the cafeteria, taking their usual seats at the lunch table. since hongjoong and his friends began sitting at the lunch table, the seating arrangements had become mingi, yunho, san, and wooyoung on one bench and seonghwa, hongjoong, yeosang, and jongho on the other bench, the group occasionally being joined by ryujin. much to yeosang's dismay, today was one of those days.

"hi baby." ryujin purred as she took a seat next to her boyfriend, grabbing his face and giving him a sloppy kiss on the lips. yeosang tried his best to hold back a gag as jongho quickly pushed the girl off of him.

"ryu, i've told you this many times. i don't like when you kiss me in front of my brother and his friends." he explained and ryujin rolled her eyes, crossing her arms in annoyance.

"and jongho, i've told you many times that i don't give a fuck about what they think of us. if i want to kiss you, i have the right as your girlfriend to kiss you." she retorted and jongho let out a big sigh, turning his body to face yeosang so ryujin would stop bothering him.

"hey sangie, how are you?" jongho asked with a warm smile on his face, catching yeosang completely off guard.

yeosang's heart began racing extremely fast. not only was jongho talking to him, but he also called him 'sangie'. he tried his best to get words out, he really wanted to, but his brain wouldn't allow him to speak.

jongho picked up on yeosang's attempts and quickly thought of a solution. he took out a sheet of paper and a pencil and handed it to the boy with a smile.

"here, you can write down your answers. i know it's tough for you to speak sometimes, but i would love to get to know you better." yeosang covered his face to hide the blush that was forming as he began writing.

jongho heard a loud and obnoxious huff next to him and he rolled his eyes, turning around to see a very pissed off ryujin.

"what's the problem now?" jongho asked with a bit of sass in his tone.

"my problem is that you're ignoring me, your girlfriend, to speak to some mute gay boy! what the fuck, jongho?" yeosang stopped writing his answer and began shaking, tears threatening to fall out his big eyes as he heard ryujin insult him while he was sitting only a few feet away from her.

"ryujin, if you're going to insult anyone at this table then i'm going to have to ask you to leave. you don't know shit about yeosang, and quite frankly, i'd rather have a conversation with him than you right now. and news flash, he can hear you!" jongho raised his voice at the rude girl sitting next to him. ryujin shot up out of her seat and grabbed her stuff, giving jongho the finger as she began walking off.

before she could completely leave, she leaned down and whispered into yeosang's ear, "fuck you freak." before flicking him in the back of the head and leaving. yeosang grabbed his head and began rubbing it to subside the slight pain he felt from ryujin's boney fingers. jongho immediately moved yeosang's hand from his own head and began rubbing it for him in an attempt to comfort him.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now