chapter forty three

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seonghwa shakily walked up to hongjoong's door. he internally debated on not ringing the bell, wondering in his head how bad it could be if he just turned around and drove back home.

no... hwa, you have to. you have to admit your feelings. think positive, think positive...

before he could convince his mind otherwise, seonghwa rang hongjoong's bell. he began sweating heavily, wiping the perspiration off of his forehead before hongjoong could notice. thankfully, hongjoong didn't take long to run up to the door and greet the older.

"seongie!" hongjoong smiled widely, hugging the boy after he let seonghwa inside and locked the front door behind them. seonghwa hugged hongjoong back tightly, ruffling the boy's hair.

"hi hun. how are you?" seonghwa asked, wanting to make some small talk before admitting his feelings.

"i'm doing great!" hongjoong answered, giggling into his hands.

"hello seonghwa." hongjoong's mom walked up to the boy, opening her arms for a hug.

seonghwa's breath hitched, leaning in and accepting her offer, "hi m-ms. kim." seonghwa slightly stuttered, stumbling a bit on his own words. ms. kim backed away from seonghwa after his greeting.

"i don't want to interrupt whatever you boys wanted to talk about, so i'll make my way to my room now. it's a pleasure seeing you though!" she smiled kindly, putting a hand on seonghwa's shoulder before walking away from the duo.

"well, what did you wanna talk about?" hongjoong rocked back and forth on his feet, smiling innocently at seonghwa.

seonghwa gulped, nerves getting even stronger as time went on, "joongie, i want to tell you something important. can we go somewhere more private?"

"of course! let's go to my room." hongjoong chirped, grabbing the older's hand and dragging him upstairs. seonghwa took the opportunity to intertwine their fingers, not planning on letting go anytime soon.

once the boys made it upstairs, hongjoong opened his bedroom door, allowing seonghwa to walk in behind him. he then shut the door behind them for more privacy and took seonghwa to his bed, sitting down next to the boy while still holding onto his hand.

seonghwa faced the boy, picking up his other hand and holding both of them in his own. hongjoong noticed now nervous seonghwa looked and began worrying himself, afraid of what the older wanted to talk to him about.

wait, does he hate me again? oh no, he was just being so nice to me... please please don't go back to your old ways, i beg of you. please seongie...

"joongie, as we both know you admitted your feelings for me a while back."

yep, there it is. he hates me! he absolutely hates me, hongjoong thought to himself.

hongjoong began tearing up and seonghwa quickly noticed. he began panicking, dropping hongjoong's hands and waving his in the boy's face rapidly.

"wait, no! baby, don't take this the wrong way. i know what you might be thinking, but i promise it's not what you think. please let me explain." seonghwa rambled, hoping hongjoong understood what he meant.

"so what is it, seongie?" hongjoong asked while frowning a bit.

seonghwa took a deep breath, grabbing hongjoong's hands once again.

there's no turning back now...

"i, um... i like you too, joongie. i like you a lot. a lot more than i thought i ever could." seonghwa smiled, looking into hongjoong's eyes as he spoke.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now