chapter seventy six

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(content warning: make out scene. there will be a second warning for when the scene starts.)

after about a half an hour drive, seonghwa pulled up to a restaurant that hongjoong had never seen. the boys unbuckled their seatbelts and stepped out of the car after seonghwa had turned the vehicle off, hongjoong looking up at the sign with doe eyes.

"carbone? i've never heard of this place. i'm so excited!" hongjoong cheered and seonghwa smiled widely at how adorable hongjoong acted when he was excited.

"it's a really fancy italian restaurant. the original restaurant opened all the way in new york, a state in america. it got so popular that the owner opened a few places all around the world, even opening one here in korea!" seonghwa explained and hongjoong nodded his head, seeming very interested with the restaurant's history. seonghwa grabbed onto the younger's hand and guided him inside the restaurant, stopping at the front desk before taking a seat.

"hello, welcome to carbone! what's your reservation under?" the woman behind the counter asked after she greeted the two boys who had walked in.

"park seonghwa for two." seonghwa answered and she nodded her head, looking down at the long list of names she had written down and smiling widely.

"your table is actually ready right now. let me bring you over." she said and waved her hand, taking the two boys to a seat in the back of the restaurant. the boys took their seats and hongjoong bounced in his chair, smiling ear to ear.

"thank you miss!" hongjoong thanked the girl as she bowed respectfully to the couple.

"you're welcome, sweetie. have a great night!" she waved goodbye and walked away from the boys, making her way back to the front of the restaurant.

"wow, this place is really fancy! is it expensive? it seems expensive." hongjoong asked as he looked at all the people in the room with them, seeing a lot of older people with tons of designer clothing and the smell of overly priced perfume invading his nostrils.

"it's pretty expensive, but you're worth every penny." seonghwa smiled and put his hand out on the table for hongjoong to hold onto, the younger immediately taking it in his own.

"hello and welcome to carbone! my name is grace and i will be your server today. can i start you boys with something to drink?" a chirpy girl came up to them with a proper greeting. the girl was petite, but looked at least five years older than the boys sitting at the table.

"yes please. can i have an unsweetened iced tea?" seonghwa asked and she nodded her head yes, turning her head to face hongjoong to hear what he'd like.

"can i also have iced tea? but make it sweetened, please! i love sugar!" hongjoong giggled as he spoke and the woman placed her hand over her heart, cooing at the boy's adorable behavior.

"of course. i'll be right back with your drinks and then i'll take your orders." she bowed before disappearing into the kitchen that wasn't too far from the boy's seats.

"by the way, i forgot to tell you before how much i love that outfit. i love how matching sets look on you." seonghwa spoke as he continued holding onto hongjoong's hand, smiling widely as he did so.

hongjoong blushed a deep shade of red. he was wearing a one piece brown plaid set with black doc martins. he accentuated his curves by adding a belt, showing off his tiny waist perfectly.

"it's actually a one piece outfit, but thank you anyway!" hongjoong corrected the boy and seonghwa chuckled in response.

"i'm sorry, i'm not as into fashion as you are. all i know is that you look absolutely beautiful." seonghwa said and hongjoong covered his face in embarrassment. seonghwa quickly moved hongjoong's hand off of his face, "don't cover your face when i compliment you, you truly are the most beautiful human being i've ever seen in my entire life."

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now