chapter sixty

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"hi boys!" hongjoong screamed out after opening the door for his two best friends.

"joongie! i have so much to tell you!!" wooyoung jumped up and down in excitement after hongjoong greeted him and yeosang. he ran straight into the house without bothering to wait for hongjoong to move out of the way, hitting his friend in the shoulder and almost knocking him over.

"wooyoungie! that hurt." hongjoong laughed out loud and dramatically held onto his shoulder, pretending to be in pain.

"i'm so sorry! oh my god, are you ok? i didn't mean to hurt you! do you want me to get your mommy?" wooyoung cried out, believing the smaller boy in front of him was actually in pain. he grew more and more anxious after each word came out of his mouth.

"wooyoung, he was joking! see, he's laughing. there's no need to worry." yeosang pointed to hongjoong who was doubled over from how hard he was laughing. wooyoung let out a loud sigh in frustration.

"joongie, don't do that to me! i was scared!" wooyoung stomped his foot and hongjoong put his hands up in defense.

"i'm sorry wooyoung, but that was very funny." hongjoong tried to hold back his laugher, but failed miserably.

"you guys are meanies! i'm gonna find ms. kim, she's nicer than you two." wooyoung stormed off to the kitchen with his arms crossed and his head held high.

"let's follow him before he eats everything in your cabinets." yeosang said and hongjoong nodded his head in agreement, following close behind yeosang who led the way.

when the two entered, wooyoung was already sat at the kitchen table eating some cookies that he found laying out in the open. hongjoong started laughing and took a seat next to his friend, but yeosang stopped in his tracks.


jongho noticed hongjoong's friends had arrived because he heard the doorbell ring earlier, but he didn't notice they had entered the kitchen. upon his mother's request, he was boiling some pasta for the family and hongjoong's friends to eat together. jongho had his airpods in, so he couldn't hear anyone around him.

"sang, are you ok? you look like you've seen a ghost." wooyoung asked with a mouth filled with chocolate chip cookies.

when both wooyoung and hongjoong looked over to where yeosang was staring, they knew exactly why he was frozen in his place.

"yeosang, don't be nervous. he has his airpods in, he can't even hear us." hongjoong reassured his older friend who nodded his head weakly and walked to sit across from the two of his friends at the kitchen table.

"wait wooyoung, you said you had a lot to tell me. what happened?" hongjoong asked and wooyoung's eyes lit up.

"oh yeah! i didn't tell sangie either because i wanted to tell you guys at the same time." wooyoung smiled widely and looked off into space.

yeosang and hongjoong laughed at the boy's usual actions. yeosang lightly tapped his arm, catching wooyoung's attention from the ceiling to them once again.

"and?" yeosang waved his hand for wooyoung to continue.

"oh yeah!" wooyoung laughed, "so you know how i said i was busy last night, right?"

"yeah." the boys said in unison.

"well, i went on a date with sannie. and guess what happened!" wooyoung screamed almost too loud, hongjoong looking over to his brother to make sure he didn't turn around.

"what happened?" yeosang asked, seeming extremely interested.

"he asked me out! so now we're dating!" wooyoung giggled as he clapped his hands together repeatedly.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now