epilogue: jongsang

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four months later...

"hello mrs. kang." jongho greeted yeosang's mother kindly after she opened the door for him, bowing respectfully to the woman in front of him.

"hi angel face! how are you doing this fine saturday morning?" she replied back with a large smile on her face, starting up a conversation with the boy while they waited for yeosang to come down the stairs.

"i'm doing great, how about you?" jongho said, lying a bit as he spoke.

"i'm great as well." she said back, agreeing with the boy in front of her.

there was a reason jongho wasn't actually doing as great as he said was. in the moment, he was extremely nervous. today, he planned on officially asking yeosang to be his boyfriend. even though he had all the confidence in the world that yeosang would say yes, he couldn't help but be nervous that he would mess up the delivery of the question. even though they've been seeing each other for months at this point, jongho would still occasionally get nervous around the boy. jongho just knew that he never wanted to mess up what him and yeosang had together.

before their conversation could continue on, yeosang came down the stairs skipping with a huge smile on his face. seeing yeosang's face immediately helped calm jongho's nerves, like the boy was some sort of drug to him.

"ok, i'm not going to hold you guys back. go have fun! i'll be home if you need anything." yeosang's mom smiled, leaning down to give her son a kiss on the forehead.

"bye mihi, i'll see you later!" jongho waved goodbye to the woman, referring to her by her first name as per her request. yeosang waved goodbye as well as he grabbed onto jongho's extended hand and followed the boy to his parked car.

"hi sangie. you look absolutely beautiful today." jongho greeted the boy with a compliment, smiling down at the smaller boy beside him.

"thank you jongho, you don't look half bad yourself." yeosang replied back, giggling a bit as he spoke.

during the past four months, yeosang has grown confident enough in their relationship to be able to speak to jongho. he grew from only being able to say a single word, to saying full sentences, to holding entire conversations with the boy. jongho was very grateful for this, knowing that he truly meant a lot to yeosang and that the boy finally completely trusted him.

after the boys entered the car and jongho drove off, yeosang noticed that jongho looked a bit antsy in his seat. he could tell because the boy didn't offer yeosang his hand to hold while he drove, and jongho only didn't offer his hand when he was extremely nervous about something. yeosang didn't know what was exactly bugging the boy, so he decided to spark up a conversation to help ease the boy's overwhelming thoughts.

"what are you planning on getting at the cafe?" yeosang asked the boy even though he already knew his answer.

iced americano, yeosang thought.

"iced americano." jongho said.

"i figured." yeosang giggled, "i think i'm gonna get a hot chocolate this time." yeosang said with a smile.

"really? isn't it a little warm for that now?" jongho laughed as he spoke, his nerves easing a bit as their conversation continued on.

"a little, but you know how much i love chocolate!" yeosang replied as he turned his body as looked at jongho's face.

"you're right." jongho nodded his head as he quickly glanced over to yeosang before fixating his eyes on the road once again.

after a few moments, jongho pulled up to his favorite cafe called 'midnight cafe'. before stepping out of the parked car, jongho turned around to face yeosang. he admired the boy in front of him for a few moments, tracing yeosang's cheek with his delicate hand. yeosang immediately blushed under jongho's touch.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now