chapter twenty seven

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immediately after entering the kim residence, seonghwa and san were greeted with loud screams and giggles coming from the living room. san let out a loud and dramatic sigh while rubbing the sides of his head, knowing it will be a very long night.

"i'm not going to lie, they're being a little wild right now. but it's because they just ate pizza. once they actually start the movie they came here for, they should calm down a bit." jongho breathed out, looking a little stressed as he walked out of the door and past the two boys.

"wait, that's it? no further directions?" seonghwa asked, turning to face his friend who already had one leg in his car.

"nope, they're all yours. have fun!" jongho waved goodbye, quickly getting in his car and driving off before the boys can interject again.

"no, fuck this! why is it our job to watch them, huh? why can't he keep his dick in his pants for one night and help his mom out?" san threw his hands in the air before the boys entered the house.

"san, calm down! hongjoong is always calm when i'm with him. i don't think it'll be a problem. anyway, jongho said wooyoung is the problem child and he gets picked up at nine thirty because he has a set bedtime, jongho even said yeosang typically goes home at the same time as wooyoung." seonghwa calmed his friend down and san took a deep breath, making his way into the house.

when the boys heard their babysitters make their way into the living room, all three of them looked up from what they were doing. yeosang stopped what he was doing and ran to the couch, sitting down like a good boy. he did not want to upset the intimidating boys that would be watching him all night. when hongjoong saw seonghwa, he blushed a light shade a pink. he waved at the older boy who waved back with a smile. wooyoung let out a quiet scream after looking at both boys. he didn't know it was possible for a boy to be so beautiful.

"hey joong, hi joong's friends." seonghwa said as he sat down in his usual spot, looking at yeosang on the couch and the other two boys still on the floor. san stood next to the couch, feeling a bit awkward in a room filled with people he didn't really know, "this is my friend, his name is san. he's also going to be staying with us tonight."

"hi san!" hongjoong waved, "as you know, i'm hongjoong. that's yeosang, but he doesn't speak much. and that's wooyoung, he speaks a lot." hongjoong giggled and wooyoung slapped his arm lightly.

"hey hongjoong, hey yeosang, hey wooyoung." san flashed a charming smile, making wooyoung's heart burst.

"you're cute." wooyoung blurted out, immediately covering his mouth. hongjoong, yeosang and seonghwa all bursted out in laughter, and san scratched the back of his head.

"thanks kid." san chuckled, taking a seat next to wooyoung, "i was told to watch you tonight, anyway. maybe we can get to know each other." san flashed his charming smile once again, making wooyoung choke on his own saliva.

"so hongjoong, what did you guys plan on watching tonight?" seonghwa asked, wanting to start up a conversation.

"we're gonna watch the little mermaid!" hongjoong exclaimed, "and see, we all brought our plushies to match the movie! i have sebastian, wooyoung has ariel, and yeosang has flounder!" hongjoong pointed at the toys spread out on the ground with a smile.

"they're very nice plushies, boys." seonghwa smiled and hongjoong giggled.

"thank you, seongie." hongjoong said.

"you call him seongie?" san asked while laughing, earning a sharp kick in the back from seonghwa, "ow, that hurt!"

"you deserved it." seonghwa shrugged, "anyways, want me to put the movie on now? we can all sit together and watch it."

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now