chapter eight

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beep! beep!

seonghwa wanted to do nothing but turn off the sound piercing his eardrums and snuggle back under his covers, but he knew if he did that he'd be late to school. he violently rubbed his eyes to wake himself up and dragged his body out of bed.

"good morning, my love." seonghwa's mom smiled, giving her son a kiss on the forehead as he made his way to the bathroom.

unlike what people typically saw at school, seonghwa was an angel to his mother. he loved his whole family, which consisted of his mother and father, with all his heart.

"good morning mom. did you make breakfast yet?" seonghwa yawned and his mother laughed at him.

"yes baby, i made you some waffles. there's also a fresh pot of coffee, you look like you need it." seonghwa nodded his head, thanking his mother before walking into the bathroom to brush his teeth and fix his hair a bit.

after finishing his morning routine and deciding on a simple black sweatshirt with black skinny jeans, seonghwa sat to eat breakfast with his mother.

"so, you never told me. how was babysitting jongho's brother?" seonghwa's mom caught seonghwa a bit off guard, making him choke a bit on his morning coffee.

"um, it was fine. kinda weird since he's practically my age. but i know he suffers from some sort of learning disability, so he needs a bit more care than the average sixteen year old." seonghwa simply stated, hoping his mother would change the subject.

"well, you're a good friend for helping jongho out," she smiled, "but i must head to work now. don't take too long eating otherwise you'll be late to school."

seonghwa's mother leaned down and gave her son a kiss on the forehead. "bye mom, have a great day at work."

"bye honey, i'll see you tonight." she waved one last time before walking out of the front door.

seonghwa finished the last bits of his waffle and coffee, quickly cleaning up his mess. he once again brushed his teeth before grabbing his backpack and heading towards his car to make it to school on time.

as seonghwa pulled up to his typical spot, his best friend mingi exited the car next to him. "what's up hwa!"

"hey mingi, how was your weekend?" seonghwa asked as he grabbed his bag from the passenger seat, walking with mingi towards the front door of the school.

"it was fine, but you missed a pretty good party at san's." mingi chuckled at the memories made at the party saturday night, seonghwa just rolled his eyes.

"i swear, i can't believe i had to miss it to babysit a boy who's barely a year younger than me." seonghwa shook his head and mingi put an arm around him.

"it's fine, there'll be more parties." mingi reassured the older as they made their way to their lockers, meeting up with san, yunho, and jongho before their first period classes.

"so, how was watching the freak?" san asked seonghwa with a laugh and yunho hit the younger.

"san, that was uncalled for. you could've simply said 'hey, how was watching jongho's younger brother on saturday?'" yunho gave san a disappointed look and san shrugged his shoulders, not caring what the boy had to say.

"it was fine, i guess. he wasn't too annoying. only once did i actually have to get up to help him. but he did ask me to play tea party with him, to which he informed me that you always play with him." seonghwa said as he turned to jongho, laughing at the younger.

san began laughing so hard that he had to hold his stomach. mingi laughed along with the boys, secretly feeling bad for laughing at jongho's brother. yunho decided he couldn't handle the bullying and walked to his first period class without giving his friends a second look.

"ok ok, let me defend myself." jongho put his hands up in defense.

"defend yourself!? you play tea party, and you're a junior in high school!" san laughed harder as he pointed a finger at his friend.

"he's my brother, you pricks. what else am i supposed to do?" jongho began laughing with them, "my mom would give me a grand ass whipping if i didn't, and honestly it's not worth the hassle."

"ok, i have to know if he makes you wear dresses though." seonghwa asked in between laughs.

"hell no! he sometimes tries, but i told him the only way i'd play with him was if he got me a prince jacket, so my mom bought one. i wear that when we play." jongho informed his friends.

"please send us a picture of that one day." mingi begged and jongho shook his head violently.

"no way in hell."

"oh god, that was funny. but whatever, i'm having another party at my house on friday. all you motherfuckers must go this time, no girls and no freaks." san pointed at jongho and seonghwa.

"deal." the boys said in unison.

"ok good." san smiled at his friends as he got the last of his books from his locker.

"ok, if we're late to han's class he'll beat our asses, so let's go." mingi waved to jongho, who nodded his head in agreement. "we'll catch up with you guys later."

"yeah, see you!" seonghwa and san waved goodbye to their friends as they headed to their first class of the day.

y'all i really just posted this yesterday and you're already being so sweet!!!! too sweet honestly, let me cry🤧 i cannot!

me @ anyone who's read so far:

me @ anyone who's read so far:

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ok let me go now. someone take my phone away!!!


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