chapter forty four

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"but mommy, please!" hongjoong continued to beg, starting to annoy his mother a bit.

"joongie, i've told you countless times no! seonghwa asked me to keep it a secret, i won't tell you where he's taking you!" ms. kim replied to her son with a bit of sass, upsetting hongjoong.

"you're such a meanie." hongjoong pouted, crossing his arms and stomping his foot.

"if you don't stop giving me unnecessary childish attitude, then you won't be going on the date at all!" she turned to her son who immediately regretted what he previously said and started apologizing.

"i'm sorry mommy! i'm just really excited, i don't wanna wait any longer!" hongjoong sighed loudly in defeat.

his mother walked over to him and gave him a big hug, calming the boy down a bit, "i know you're excited, but just wait another thirty minutes. you'll love what seonghwa has planned for you today, i can guarantee it! now let's go fix your hair, you can't look like a mess for your first date!"

hongjoong skipped behind his mother, following her to her bedroom. they made their way into the master bathroom, hongjoong taking a seat at the vanity she has in front of her big mirror and makeup table.

"ok, so what do you want me to do to your hair?" she asked her son who already had an idea in his head.

"can you curl it a little bit? i want wavy hair!" hongjoong clapped his hands, earning a chuckle from his mother.

"ok, let me plug in the iron. anything you want to do until it heats up?" she asked and hongjoong put his finger to his chin in thought.

hongjoong remembered that one time he used his mother's makeup when seonghwa came over to babysit him. he loves how he looks naturally, but he felt like adding some cosmetics to his face would make the perfect final touches to his look. he wanted to look the best he's ever looked, all for seonghwa.

"can you please put some makeup on me?" hongjoong asked, shocking his mother a bit.

"you've never worn makeup before. are you sure about that?" she questioned the boy who nodded his head in response.

"yes, i wore it once when you weren't here and i loved it! i just wanna look perfect for seongie, please mommy?" hongjoong begged and his mother gave in.

"ok baby, but not too much. you don't need makeup to make you beautiful, you're already breathtaking! but i'll do as you wish." she answered, applying a bit of concealer, some bronzer, highlighter, blush, and a little brown eyeshadow around his eyes for more depth.

after his mother completed the look, hongjoong stared into the mirror in awe. he liked when he applied makeup to himself, but there was no doubt that his mother was more experienced than he was at the task. the outfit he picked out complimented his makeup perfectly, deciding on a simple brown and purple striped short sleeve button down and skinny jeans that were cut a bit short on him. he finished the outfit off with a pair of white high top converse and a few simple rings for some extra bling.

hongjoong had never felt more beautiful in his entire life.

"mommy, it's perfect! you're like an artist!" he smiled, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

"you're too sweet, my beautiful baby boy. now sit still, let's curl your hair!" she cheered, earning claps from her son who sat still, waiting for the hot iron to curl his hair.


"now joongie, be careful. i know seonghwa is my friend, but i still need to tell you to be safe on your first date. i love you, ok?" jongho put his hands on his younger brother's shoulders as he sternly spoke and hongjoong nodded his head rapidly in response.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now