chapter eighty two

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hongjoong bounced into the school building wednesday morning with a huge smile on his face. after what felt like forever, he was finally able to call seonghwa his boyfriend.

before going to his first period class, hongjoong stopped by his locker to quickly get his needed books for the day. he put them in his backpack and skipped down the hallway to meet seonghwa. he had a little gift for the boy that he couldn't wait to give him.

after a few minutes of looking around, hongjoong finally found seonghwa standing by san's locker and chatting with his friends. he giggled to himself and ran up to the boy with a huge smile on his face.

"seongie!" hongjoong greeted the boy with a big wave. when seonghwa saw the huge smile on his boyfriend's face he smiled back equally as wide and made his way over to him.

"baby boy! how are you this morning?" seonghwa asked as he leaned down to give the boy a quick kiss on the cheek. hongjoong's cheeks turned a dark shade of red from seonghwa's actions.

"i'm great! i came here to bring you this!" hongjoong held his hand out and handed seonghwa the hot cup of coffee in his hands.

seonghwa took the cup and smiled, "joongie, you made me coffee?" seonghwa asked and hongjoong shook his head no.

"nope! but jongie made it. i told him that you bought me a gift when you asked me out and that i wanted to give you something too. he told me you love coffee and he was already making it for himself so i brought you a cup too! i even added strawberry milk to it, i hope you like it!" hongjoong giggled as he hid his face with his hands. seonghwa along with his friends cooed at how adorable the younger looked in front of them.

"you're the best boyfriend ever, hongjoong." seonghwa said before taking a sip of the delicious coffee in his hands, "i love it! the strawberry milk gives it an extra flavor."

"is it a good flavor?" hongjoong asked with doe eyes.

"yeah of course, strawberries always taste like you." seonghwa said as he bopped his boyfriend's nose with his finger. hongjoong scrunched up his nose and smiled back.

"you're too cute!" hongjoong cheered.

"that's all you, babe." seonghwa replied with a wink, making hongjoong blush once again.

"well i better get to class now, i wanna see my friends! bye everyone!" hongjoong waved goodbye to seonghwa and his friends before skipping off down the hall without a second glance.

hongjoong smiled as he walked to class by himself, his heart filled with warmth. the thought of having seonghwa as his official boyfriend made him happier than he could've ever imagined, and he knew his life with seonghwa was going to be perfect.

"la la la..." hongjoong hummed to himself as he walked down the hall. he quickly made it to his first period class and ran inside, excited to finally tell his friends the big news that happened the day before.

"boys, i have huge news!" hongjoong exclaimed when his eyes landed on wooyoung and yeosang in the classroom.

"oh my god, really? i have news too! come sit, let's talk!" wooyoung screamed out, shaking vigorously in his seat as he tried to contain his excitement. hongjoong ran over to his seat with a smile, ready to tell his friends all the details from the day before.

"so, seongie came by my house last night." hongjoong started and wooyoung squeaked, quickly covering his mouth after yeosang hit him in the arm.

"youngie, calm down! i wanna hear what joongie has to say!" yeosang scolded his friend who frowned in response before hongjoong could continue.

"well, you know that new cinderella wedding dress i've been dying to get?" hongjoong asked and the boys nodded their heads up and down.

"yeah! that one is so so so pretty!" wooyoung smiled widely as he complimented the new design.

"well, he bought it for me! he even got me a matching tiara!" hongjoong cheered out and his friends gasped with joy.

"oh my gosh! now we have more dresses for when we play tea party!" yeosang said with a smile and hongjoong nodded his head.

"but, that's not all. it gets even better! wanna know why he bought those gifts for me?" hongjoong questioned the boys again.

"why? tell us!" yeosang demanded, slamming his fists on the classroom desk impatiently.

"he asked me out! he bought me the dress and tiara as a way to ask me to be his boyfriend!" hongjoong cheered and his friends gasped out loud, clapping their hands high in the air in excitement.

"joongie, congratulations! oh my gosh, that's amazing news! i'm so happy for you!" wooyoung jumped up and down in his seat as he wiped the anxious tears that were falling down his cheeks.

"thank you so much! at first, i was debating it. i was like, well... should i accept? but i know that he is the one for me, so i ultimately said yes." hongjoong smiled as he looked down at his lap.

"that's amazing news. i'm very happy for you two. yes, he messed up a few too many times, but i hope that he has officially learned from his past mistakes. you're a keeper, joongie!" yeosang cheered as he stood up and walked to his friend to give him a hug. wooyoung followed behind, attacking the boys in a bone crushing hug.

"youngie, get off! you're hurting me!" hongjoong screamed out and the boys laughed, both wooyoung and yeosang backing away and going back to their seats.

"thank you both so much. i couldn't have done it without you! now we just need jongie to ask out yeosang!" hongjoong said and wooyoung nodded his head in agreement.

"it needs to happen!" wooyoung exclaimed and yeosang shook his head.

"as much as i'd love to, i think it's a little too soon. we're taking things slow." yeosang said and his friends nodded their heads, understanding yeosang's point of view.

"wait, wooyoung... tell us your news now!" hongjoong excitedly exclaimed. yeosang agreed, really excited to hear what wooyoung had to say.

"oh my gosh! ok, so yesterday i went to san's house. and guess what he did for me!" wooyoung said with a wide smile on this face.

"spill it!" yeosang screamed out, startling wooyoung a bit.

"he made me a whole special dinner! it was candle lit and everything! i swear, it was so romantic." wooyoung said as he smiled off into the distance, the boy holding his hand to his heart as he spoke.

"oh my gosh! wooyoung, that's so adorable!" yeosang said back, excited for his friend. hongjoong was also visibly happy for wooyoung, his smile putting his teeth on full display.

"i know right! i swear, he's such a sweet boy. he always knows how to make me feel special." wooyoung said with a small giggle.

"i'm so glad we're all happy with great guys! we got so lucky to find them." hongjoong pointed out, earning nods from both wooyoung and yeosang.

"yep, go us!" wooyoung cheered, raising his hands in the air and screaming like he was the only one in the room. yeosang and hongjoong just laughed in response, hoping wooyoung's echoing voice didn't disturb their classmates. 

hey idk what to write here but i edited this as well HAHHAHA


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