chapter thirty eight

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seonghwa made his rounds, picking up all his friends to head to jaehyun's house. once they were all in the car, san couldn't hold his comments back any longer.

"i still find it funny that yunho plans on drinking tonight." san laughed from the passenger's seat.

"what's funny about it? can a boy not let lose every once in a while!" yunho defended himself with a slight pout on his face.

"it's funny because it's you. it's just very unexpected." san shrugged his shoulders, earning a glare from yunho in the back seat, shifting uncomfortably.

"and thanks a lot, asshole. you're the smallest out of all of us and you took the front seat!" yunho screamed out, flicking san in the back of the head.

"sucks for you guys, not my fault seonghwa picked me up first." san said as he stretched out his legs obnoxiously.

"you're totally getting the back on the way home." jongho scoffed, sitting way too close to mingi and yunho in the middle seat.

once seonghwa pulled up to jaehyun's, the boys quickly opened the back door and stepped out, feeling like they could finally breathe. they moved to the house, greeting jaehyun as they walked inside.

"jae! what the hell is up!" san high fived him, waving to a few other classmates who were already wasted beyond imagination. seonghwa just laughed at them, moving with yunho to the table of drinks.

"so, what should i drink? i really don't know how drinking works." yunho awkwardly admitted and seonghwa picked up a can of bud light for the boy.

"here, start with beer. you've had beer before, so at least you know what to expect." seonghwa suggested kindly.

"i've only ever had it three times, and all three times i only drank a can cause one of you forced me for whatever reason. could this get me drunk if i drink more than one?" yunho asked.

"well, if you have enough it could... but you're a pretty big guy, it might take a while. maybe after one you can try something harder, like the vodka or rum." seonghwa pointed to the alcoholic beverages that were spread along the table, intimidating yunho a bit.

yunho sucked it up and drank the whole can within fifteen seconds. seonghwa watched, cheering the boy on as he downed the liquid rather quickly.

"wow, didn't expect you to chug it." seonghwa laughed in disbelief.

"i need more, this isn't enough..." yunho looked over the table, deciding on making a mixed drink for himself using rum and coca cola.

seonghwa was impressed with the boy, not expecting him to actually use the correct materials. once again, yunho downed the drink faster than expected, gagging after finishing the whole thing in one gulp.

"woah, that's so bitter... my throat is burning!" yunho screamed out in pain, holding his throat as seonghwa laughed.

"bro, everyone knows not to down rum like that." seonghwa pointed out.

"well why didn't you tell me as you watched me do it!?" yunho complained, raising his voice at his friend.

"you drank it faster than i could interject." seonghwa shrugged his shoulders and yunho gave him a dirty look, turning around to make another drink.

seonghwa decided to stick with yunho during the whole party, not wanting to leave a first time drinker by himself.

"you want to get drunk fast?" seonghwa asked the other boy who just violently shook his head yes, "drink these and take a bit of the lime after each one." seonghwa said as he lined up five shot glasses, pouring vodka into each one.

yunho looked at them hesitantly, giving seonghwa an uneasy look.

"if you don't want to take a shot you don't have to, but you said you wanted to get drunk. i'll be here to look after you, don't worry." seonghwa said as he placed a hand on yunho's back.

before anything else could be said, yunho went down the line, alternating shots with a bit of lime. after he was done, he let out a loud burp.

"oh god that stings." yunho said as he clutched his chest.

"yeah," seonghwa laughed, "it's practically rubbing alcohol."

"you are the d-devil, aren't you?" yunho was now getting to the point where he was slurring his words and almost falling over.

"definitely." seonghwa winked, completely joking with the other.

seonghwa realized yunho was going to grab another beer. knowing this would not have a good end result, he quickly stopped him before he could go any further.

"okkk," the boy dragged out, "that was fun, but i think that's enough alcohol for you."

seonghwa put his hand out to stop yunho and yunho pouted like a child, "mean! l-let me have m-m-more." he burped.

"no way! we're going to find our other friends, you need to just sit for the rest of the night." seonghwa laughed and guided yunho's slightly limp body to the living room, plopping him down on the couch.

as yunho's body flung onto the couch, his limbs hit mingi in the chest. he was shocked to see his always sober friend look like such a mess.

"woah, he's wasted." mingi chuckled and seonghwa nodded his head in agreement. seonghwa then walked over to san and jongho, knowing mingi would be good company for yunho.

"hey m-mingi, can i tell you some-something?" yunho leaned his body onto mingi, making mingi a bit uncomfortable.

"yeah?" he asked.

"you're c-cute." yunho answered, not at all realizing what he was saying. yunho curled up into mingi, being too drunk to really control his own actions and be aware of what he was doing.

"yunho, you don't mean that. you're just really drunk." mingi spoke for the boy, yunho violently shaking his head in disagreement.

"nope! i'm one hundred p-percent ser-serious." the drunk boy slurred out between hiccups, his eyes looking heavy as they were lightly shutting.

alcohol will do that to you. too much and you will be stumbling over yourself, much like yunho was.

the stench of alcohol tickled mingi's nose as he spoke to yunho. at first he wasn't really processing what the latter was saying, being far too shocked by his words... but once he had processed it, he began thinking a bit too deeply about it.

he didn't know whether to believe yunho or not. the boy was obviously wasted, and he definitely wouldn't remember what he was saying the next day.

drunk minds speak sober thoughts, mingi thought to himself, making his nerves skyrocket.

my best friend couldn't possibly find me attractive, right?

"um, yunho? maybe we should talk about this somewhere else." mingi answered, lifting the bigger boy up and guiding him to an empty room in jaehyun's house.

mingi was scared, but needed more answers from the older.

ok y'all imma be honest here... i hate writing party chapters!🤢🤮 there, i said it!! i gotta give credit to my best friend ifwithoutwoo for adding some details for me... i honestly just couldn't! if i were to classify myself, i'd say i'm an introverted extravert; i'm not afraid to make new friends, but i'd so much rather sit in my room alone than go out. and never once have i been to a party! so if my chapters are not accurate to real parties, don't attack me!😔 i know what i know from others experiences or movies😓how embarrassing!


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