♡ chapter 4 ♡

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3 days later

millie's pov

it has been officially 3 days since i last saw Finn and i couldn't be happier. yes, he helped me through that but it's better if we stay away from each other you know? keep a distance. it's not like he can change his personality from being a complete dickhead to being the nicest guy on earth, it's not possible.

but today it's not possible to keep a so called 'distance' since i have english with him, the class i've been dreading. and to add on that, i have to tutor him right after! just great.

i quickly walked into school with my hood up to avoid any physical contact with anyone and i head to my locker to get my math and English book before quickly heading to my first period.

we don't do much in my first period which was social class so i just take the time to take a nap. luckily today i have history with noah in second period and i could really use his jokes to lighten my morning.

the bell finally rang and j ran out of my seat and straight out the door getting a few looks from people due to the loud noise i made but, i really don't care.

i made it to history and immediately saw noah through the door making me run straight to him and give him a hug.

"jeez mills" he mumbles against my shoulder

"what?" i ask

"hmm nothing probably didn't expect you to run over to me to give me a big ass hug and almost suffocate me" he laughs

i give him a small smile in response and turned my attention to the front of the class.


finally its lunch! the one period i'm actually excited to go to.

i finally reached the cafeteria doors and i swung it open like it was the way to heaven and ran over to sadie and noah.

"someone looks happy" sadie smirks

"yeah well sadie lets just say i've been waiting for lunch for hours due to my mum forgetting something called breakfast" i say

sadie lets out a small laugh and continues to eat her fries.

"you guys wanna hang after school?" noah suddenly asks

"sure" sadie quickly replies while still eating her fries

"sorry can't" i say quietly

"what why not it's friday! " Noah whines

"because i have a stupid tutor session with the worlds biggest dumbass slash dickhead" i sigh as they both start bursting into laughter

"okay then what about tomorrow? its saturday" he glares at me

"okay okay tomorrow it is" i smile


it's now after lunch and that can only mean one thing......english.

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