♡ chapter 60 ♡

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millie's pov

i wake up to the sound of crying and i groan, standing up to walk over to roses crib.

"why are you crying?" i pick rose up and bounce her a bit

"little one it's 12pm" i giggle

i see a small note on the nightstand and i walk over to it, picking it up.

'i went to school and you looked so peaceful so i didn't want to wake you up. i might be a bit late today since we have to practice for the performance thing. call me if you need anything. i love you. and kiss little bean good morning for me :)'

"daddy's kiss for you" i kiss roses cheek

"rose did your poop your panties?" i sniff her

"oh god you did" i groan, carrying her to her room where the changing table was

i grab a clean diaper and placed her down on the changing table and ripped her diaper off.

"that's why you were crying" i say, wiping her and putting a new diaper on her

"all better" i smile, picking her up

"wanna get ready with mummy?" i kiss her cheek as she coos

"yes that's right" i smile, walking back to my room

i placed her down in her crib before walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

i walked back out to change into a drop shoulder t-shirt and jeans before picking rose up and walking downstairs.

"maria!" i exclaim once i see her in the kitchen

"hey millie. oh and morning rose" she says as i smile

"say hi maria" i move her hands as she babbles

"she's so cute" she says as i nod

"adorable. she's only 5 days old and i feel like i know her for like forever, it's weird" i kiss roses cheek

"that's what being a mother feels like" she says, "what do you want for breakfast?"

"eggs please" i smile as she nods

"thank you" i say before walking upstairs to feed rose

i feed her quickly before walking back downstairs to eat breakfast myself.

"i need to head to walmart later so you can leave when you finish off earlier" i tell maria as she nods

i finish my breakfast and maria washes my bowl as i walk upstairs to change rose.

"let's get you in a cute bear onesie" i smile, placing her on the bed

i change her quickly and picked her up and walked downstairs to my car.

"love you" i kiss her forehead as i buckle her into the car seat

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