♡ chapter 38 ♡

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millie's pov

i wake up at around 11am and walked to my bathroom, brushing my teeth and walking out to take my meds.

i walk downstairs giving pascal a kiss before walking into the kitchen. i walk in to see my mum and mark and i shoot them a small smile before making myself some cereal.

i lean against the counter, finishing my cereal as i placed the the bowl back into the sink.

i picked up pascal, bringing her up to my room setting down next to me as i start on my work.

after about 2 hours i hear my phone buzz and i pick it up thinking it was finn but instead it was sadie.

"hello?" i ask


"sadie calm down. take a breath." i laugh

i hear her take a breath before starting.

"okay. just- just now we were walking to lunch right? and then i felt someone hold me back and then i was about to punch whoever it was but then i turn around to see caleb which was very shocking. then i was like the fuck and then he was nervous which made me very confused and then HE ASKED ME OUT!" she screams

"oh my god finally!" i sigh a relief

"wait you knew about this?" she asks

"um duh! i told him to ask you out! i'll be waiting for my thank you" i tell her as she scoffs lightly

"WAIT YOU SAID YES RIGHT?" i scream into the phone



"shut up!" i hear someone say from sadies side of the phone

"NO YOU! anyways why wouldn't i say yes?" sadie asks

"i don't know you never shown interest in a guy. and anyways it'll be sad if you broke little calebs heart" i tease

"okay i do show interest in guys but i don't make moves." she scoffs

"yeah yeah because you're this badass girl who doesn't need a man" i scoff

"exactly" she says as i laugh

"when's your date?" i ask

"like tonight"

"okay i'm coming over to help you get ready and bring noah!" i tell her

"fine. come over after school" she says

"great, see you ginger"

"ugh i hate you" she groans as i laugh, hanging up the phone

theodore 😡

baby boy i'm going over to
sadies later so don't
come over
i'll call you tonight
love you ❤️

i was about to say
the same thing
i gotta go to calebs

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