♡ chapter 13 ♡

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millie's pov 

I woke up the next morning before everyone else. 8:00 to be exact. Sadie and Noah were peacefully sleeping when I woke up so I took that as a sign to go downstairs to take my anti-depressants.

I tiptoe over to my bag to grab the pill bottle and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I got a glass of water and set it on the counter as I sit on one of the stools at the far end of the kitchen island faceing the glass doors to look at the outside. I open the pill bottle and took a pill out and put it on my palm, I held the glass of water in the other hand as I look between both hands debating whether or not I should take it. I decided fuck it as I quickly take my left hand to my mouth and brought the glass to my mouth, I quickly gulped the pill down until I heard Sadie scream behind me.

"MILLIE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" Sadie screamed making me spit out my water, but thankfully I already swallowed my pill.

"Jesus mother fucking christ! You guys walk like cats" I exclaim as I turn around to see everyone standing there. everyone

"millie what are the those" Sadie asked once again as she began to walk over to me. I quickly grab the pill bottle at but it beside me to hide it. sort of.

"nothing just advils, I-uh had a headache." I quickly spat as I stood up from my chair

"I know damn well those aren't advils" Sadie said quietly so only I could hear

"can we please talk about this later" I said quietly

"fine but we are definitely talking about this later"


I walk past her and took the cup to the sink. I walk towards to the end of the kitchen which is now blocked by a bunch of boys with wide eyes. 

"I'm going to change, make breakfast or something. I'm not hungry" I walk past them as I gave a death glare to Finn for making me take my meds which he smiles in return.

I walk upstairs to put the bottle back in my bag and then I went to get changed. I put on a long sleeved crop top with sweat pants and I put my hair in a messy bun. The crop top wasn't really a crop top it was just a short shirt I guess. I walk back downstairs to see everyone on the couch. I sit by noah and I lay my head on his shoulder. 

"what are we doing today" I break the silence

"We could go to the lake, I mean this is a lake house after all" Finn spoke up

"Great I'm going up to change. Again." I sigh as I stood up and walked to the stairs

I changed into my swimsuit and now I'm digging through my bag for waterproof makeup

"jeez millie what fuck happened in here" noah said with wide eyes


"mills you don't need make up you look fine"

"not for my face dumbass, my arm" I said as I went back to digging. Soon Sadie came in to the room to get dressed.

"oh great you're here, do you have waterproof makeup" I quickly asked 

"no why?"

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