♡ chapter 19 ♡

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millie's pov

1 week. that's how long its been since i lost my innocence. yeah my asshole father stole it. i haven't slept or eaten for a whole week, maybe i have eaten a banana here and there but i haven't eaten much in general.

i stood up from the bed, remembering it was monday and i quickly put on a hoodie and sweatpants. i grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the cabinet of my nightstand and a pair of sunglasses since my eyes were way too puffy and red. i went to wake up ava and went downstairs to make her breakfast. i made her some eggos since i was too lazy to make pancakes or anything else.

i popped the eggos in the toaster and made myself a coffee while i waited. i heard the pop sound and i carefully took the eggos out of the toster and placed it on the plate. i saw ava walk in a shot her a quick smile. a fake one.

"hey mills, you okay?"

yeah ava just asked me if I'm okay, she found me crying in my room one night and she comforted me. she doesn't know about what happen but i think she knows something happened. she asked me why i was crying but i didn't tell her, obviously. what am i supposed to say? the universe hates me and I'm in pain? yeah, no.

"yeah I'm fine" i lie and she nods

she quickly finished her breakfast and i placed the plate in the sink. i quickly drove ava to school and the ride was really silent.

"bye mills, love you." ava smiles as she exits the car

"love you too..." i say trailing off quietly

i drive to school and took out a cigarette in the mean time. i arrive at school and quickly put on my sunglasses, i put out the cigarette and walk into the school.

i walk to my locker to grab a few books but instead i stuck my head in it to breathe. i felt a tap of my shoulders and i let out a sigh, i turn around to see finn standing there.

"hey. why the sunglasses?" he furrows his eyebrows

"felt like it?" i lie quietly as he nods

"normally i only wear sunglasses indoors if I'm like super hungover or like i cried all night" he laughs as i just nod shutting locker

"wait" he says turning me to face him.

he takes my sunglasses off as his eyes widen when he sees my extremely red, dark and puffy eyes. my eyes wander to somewhere else not wanting to meet his gaze.

"mills, when was the last time you slept?" he asks as his hand travel to my cheek but i pushed it away lightly

"it doesn't matter anyway" i say, fiddling with the straps of my school bag

"doesn't matter? millie you've gotta sto-"

"keep your voice down" i whisper

he looks around before he drags me into the janitors closet. he quickly shuts the door and turns on the light.

"why are we in here?" i ask

"because we're talking. millie, you've been acting like a totally different person and i-" he sighs, "i just want you to know that I'm always here and don't just say i know because you don't know. i don't want you to bottle things up because that's fucking unhealthy and it fucking hurts knowing something is wrong with you" his face softens by the end of his speech

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