Part 10

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Percy is the one who gets me to eat dinner at a normal time. I usually avoid the crowds. Eat after everyone else has. But he insists. And it's only when Chiron announces capture the flag that I realise why he made me.
'I'm not.' I insist.
'Nico, You've got to.' He says, 'you haven't played in years.'
'I played once. When Bianca was alive and everything didn't suck.' I say, 'I'm not tempting fate again.'
'Oh come on, I know you don't believe in fate. You'll enjoy it, Nico.' He says.
'The teams in charge will be Apollo.' A cheer comes from their table. I turn and see Will stand on the table, we lock eyes for a moment before I turn away quickly, 'and Poseidon.'
Percy winks at me as he jumps up on the table. Percy has no siblings to cheer him, but the a couple kids from the Apollo cabin boo. To which Percy graciously bows.
'Is this why you want me to play?' I ask him, 'you want to win?'
'That's a little cocky of you.' He says, smiling down, 'not wrong, but still.'
'The coin toss.' Chiron states, 'Will, heads or tails?'
'Tails.' He says instantly. Chiron catches the coin and checks.
'Tails it is. Have your pick.' Chiron says. I look to Will, everyone does.
He looks around for a moment, the Aphrodite cabin, Hephaestus. He turns around and lands on me. He stares for a moment and smiles. He raises his eyebrows.
'You in?' He asks. My mouth opens but no words come out. Everyone turns to stare at me. I hate the attention. My cheeks go red. I shrug. Act casual.
'I guess.' I say.
'Well this was not my plan at all.' Percy says from the table, turning to Annabeth, 'wisegirl?'
'Oh, so I'm your back up now?' She asks, feigning jealousy.
'My number two.' He says. She rolls her eyes.
'We're in.' She agrees.
The choices go on until every cabin is picked. Chiron gives us an hour to prepare. The heads of each cabin are meant to reconvene to discuss tactics, so I leave Percy and go over to Will's table.
I sit on one side, unused to this. I don't get involved and everyone knows it. This is new for me. Everyone is wary still. Everyone apart from Will. He works his way through everyone, giving them their roles, until it's just me and him.
'Best for last.' He says, sitting opposite me.
'You want me to shadow travel I guess? Raise a dead army?' I ask.
'No way! Are you kidding? Absolutely not.' He says, suddenly serious, 'you haven't been doing that have you?'
'Not since the battle.' I say, surprised at his resistance. I thought he chose me because he wanted to use my powers.
'Good. Don't use them. It's draining you, it's obvious.' He says, 'you already overexerted yourself transporting that god-awful statue. Take a break from that.'
'So what do you want me to do?' I ask.
'Well, I mean, you're still the best fighter we have, with or without powers.' He says. It's true, but it feels better coming from him. I like that he knows it, 'But I don't love the idea of you putting yourself in danger again. So how does defence feel?'
'I could go for that.' I say. A part of me resents that he's keeping me away from the action, but another part is completely relieved. I didn't even realise how reluctant I was to go back into a fight, whether it's real or not.
'Our last line of defence.' He says, 'I've put one of my siblings with each of the main attackers just in case of injury, but I'm holding back with you. So you get the privilege of hanging out with me for the unforeseeable future.'  
'You think I need a babysitter?' I ask.
'It's more that I've seen what can happen when someone's on the receiving end of a fight with you. You're pretty...uh...lethal.'
'My bad.' I say.
'No, it's not...not bad.' He says, 'definitely not bad.' I narrow my eyebrows. I feel like there's more to what he's saying, 'I wish I could fight like you.' He says, finally.
'No you don't.' I say.
'I feel useless. I can barely defend myself. You saw me in the battle, I would have been dead if you hadn' know...saved my ass.' He says, 'thanks by the way.'
'Don't mention it.' I say, 'what you do is way better though. Saving people that's...I wish I could. I'd much rather save a life than take one.' I look up and he's staring at me so intently. I don't know if it's just now that he realises that I've killed before. I don't know if he's repulsed, scared.
'You're a good person.' He says, after a moment. Everything in my body fights against it. It makes me uncomfortable.
'I don't know many people who would agree with you.' I say.
'I don't think many people know you.' He says. I don't meet his eyes though. I don't want to. I don't want to know him, and I don't want him to know me. I don't want to let people in. Except I do. I really, really do.
'Or maybe they know me too well.' I say, 'there are only so many things you can come back from.'
'Saving the world?'
'I didn't save the world.' I say, quickly.
'You did. You're a good person.' He says again. I don't reply. I just sit there. I can't look at him. I want this feeling to go away. I can't handle it. I can't handle liking someone like that again. He won't like me. He can't like me.
'Right.' I say, desperately wanting this conversation to end, 'we should...armour...and all.'
'Armour and all.' He agrees, 'let's go.'

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