Part 21

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I wake up and instantly remember the night before. Will finding me how I was. I must have fallen asleep before he left because I don't remember it. I cringe at the idea.
I get up and head outside. It's bright and early as I go looking for Will.
It's not as hectic as it usually is. It's practically calm. I walk in, hesitantly, and run into Kayla. She pauses in front of me and seems to repress a smile for some reason.
'Hey, Katie, right?' I ask.
'Close. Kayla.' She says.
'Right. Sorry.' I say, 'is...uh, is Will here?'
'He just left actually.' She says, 'maybe the dining area.'
'I just came from there.'
'Oh, maybe try the music room.' She says, 'he likes hanging out there.'
'Cool. Okay. Thanks.' I say. I turn and hurry out. She makes me uncomfortable for some reason.
I make my way to the music room, and hesitantly open the door.
Will sits at the piano, playing a slow, pretty song. He turns as he hears the door shut.
'Nico, Hey.' He says, surprised.
'Hi.' I say, unsure why I even came.
'How're you feeling?'
'Better.' I say, 'thanks. I I...fall asleep?'
'You did.' He says, smiling.
'Right.' I say, 'sorry. About that.'
'No worries.' There's the briefest moment of silence, 'do you play anything?'
'I've never actually been in here before.' I say, 'but I used to play piano. My mum taught me and Bianca.'
'Are you any good?'
'No. Bianca was always better. And I haven't played in...well I guess about eighty years or something.' I say, laughing slightly, 'You're good.'
'You should hear some of my siblings. They're amazing.' He says. I wander over to the piano. Stand at the side, 'here, sit.' Will says, moving up slightly on the stool.
I sit beside him. Our arms brush. He turns to me, narrowed eyes.
'What?' I ask.
'Is it your birthday today?' He asks. I freeze. I go to speak but nothing comes out, 'it is isn't it?'
' do you...?'
'Apollo thing. I can tell how old things are, it helps when I'm treating them to figure out what's wrong.' He explains. He looks at me and smiles, 'Eighteen, right?'
'Seems so.'
'Why didn't you say?' He asks.
'I don't like my birthday. The last few years I've always been in some form of danger or...I don't know, it's passed without me realising. I just don't really celebrate it anymore.' I turn to him, 'how old are you?'
'Nineteen.' He says. I didn't know he was older, but I assumed it. He seems so sure of himself, 'so you wanted to see me on your birthday.' Will says, moving round so he's facing me.
'Don't read into it.' I say.
'I'm going to read into it.' He replies. He lifts his hand to my chin and moves me round to face him, 'You're heart's beating fast.' He says.
'Really?' I ask, but fully aware that it is. I stare at his lips.
'Uhuh.' He says. He kisses me. I lean into it and it feels so natural, so perfect. He pulls away but goes to kiss my neck like he did before. My eyes are closed and I'm so aware of my entire body.
He lifts me up and I sit on the keys of the piano, the notes ringing out and fading as he stands and continues to kiss me. He's so perfect. His hair and his freckles and his tan.
When we eventually stop, he sits on the piano stool, and I remain on the piano. He smiles, but it drops from his face in an instant.
'What?' I ask, worried.
'Don't be mad.' He says.
'What?' I ask again.
'You kind of have a hicky.' He says. I stare at him, trying to see if he's joking.
'Are you serious?' I ask, moving to one of the shiny instruments to try and see.
'I'm sorry.' He says, but he's still smiling.
'What the hell am I going to say?' I say, mad at first. But I turn to him and see him watching me, repressing a laugh, 'it's not funny.'
'It's kind of funny.' He counters.
'I thought people were meant to be nice to you on your birthday.' I say.
'Well, I kind of was.' He says. I turn to him and shake my head, annoyed but unable to not smile.
'This,' I say pointing to my new hicky, 'is why I don't do this.' I say pointing to both of us.
'I know, I know.' He says, 'it's a secret. And it's not anything. I get it.' I look to him, still shaking my head, 'I just got a little carried away. Won't happen again.'
'Well I mean...' I say, 'it...wasn't the worst.'
'Oh really?' He asks, leaning back on the stool, and smiling still. I feel my cheeks go red.
'I need to go.' I say, instantly changing the subject, 'I told Percy I'd do the assault course with him.'
'I won't stop you.' He says. But he watches me. And I watch him. I let out a sigh and walk over to him. He still sits on the stool as I lean down and kiss him. I make it last, drag it out.
'Now I've seriously got to go.' I say.
'Nice of you to stop by.' He says sarcastically, as I head out.
'Bite me.' I reply without looking back.

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