Part 28

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It's odd Percy and Annabeth not being at camp. Jason And Piper left a while ago, and now the only person I know well is Will. I have no other friends. I pause, think to myself-when did I start seeing Will as a friend? I try not to read into it.
Either way, I'm kind of used to not having people to spend time with. I'm good at keeping myself busy. I head to the Camp Gym.
One girl was just finishing up when I came in, but aside from that, it's empty.
I start on the treadmill and go as hard and fast as I can. My shirt is drenched in sweat by the time I've finished. Usually I wouldn't dream of going shirtless in camp, but as I'm alone I figure I'd rather that then stink the place up.
After that, I take my sword and start practicing. I get so observed in it. It's something I know how to do perfectly.
'Do I get another lesson sometime?' Will asks from behind me. I spin round, surprised.
'Hey.' I say, 'how long have you been watching?'
'Minute or so.' He replies, walking over and leaning against the wall, 'you're good.'
'I'd hope so.' I say, 'it's kind of the only thing I'm good at.'
'And raising the dead.' He offers.
'Oh, of course. Sword fighting and raising the dead.' I agree.
'What more could a boy want?' He asks rhetorically. I smile and lean my sword to one side. I grab my water and drink.
'You just come to say hi?' I ask.
'Would that be weird?'
'I don't know.' I say, truthfully. I'm in completely new territory and I have no idea what's normal, 'we're friends I guess.'
'You guess?' He laughs, 'I'm honoured.'
'Alright.' I say, rolling my eyes, 'so did you? Just come to say hey?'
'Was wondering if you were going to go to the campfire tonight?' He asks. His tone is casual, but I know it's not.
'Wasn't planning on it.' I say, 'crowds aren't really my thing. And I don really know anyone here apart from you.'
'I guessed as much.' He says. I narrow my eyebrows, wondering whether he came all the way for me to tell him something he already knew, 'what if I figured out a way where we could hang out randomly?'
'What do you mean?'
'Like...if there was assigned seating and we were next to each other...or something. Hypothetically.' He says. He feigns interest in his shoes. I repress a smile. 
'Could that work?' I ask, 'hypothetically?'
'Two of my sisters are in charge of the set up.' He says, 'I could pull some strings.'
'Without them knowing anything?' I ask.
'I'll make up some reason.' He says, 'is that a yes?'
I think to myself. Let out a sigh. I can't believe I'm agreeing to this.
'Okay.' I say, reluctantly. He grins, and moves over to me, about to kiss me, 'I'm all sweaty.' I say, backing up.
'It's fine.' He says, hands round my waist.
'It's gross.' I say, but he kisses me anyway. I pick up my sword again, 'Alright. I'll see you later then.'
'I'll see you later.'
'If your plan falls through and I have to talk to other people I'm going to kill you.' I call out to him as he walks away.
'I don't doubt it.' He shouts back.

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