Part 34

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I can feel myself shaking ever so slightly. Maybe it's the concussion. But more likely it's Nico. I feel like I'm dreaming. But I'm not. This is definitely real. He's in my arms and he's real.
'So like, not to take credit or anything but this wouldn't have happened without me, right?' Kayla asks from behind me.
'I haven't forgiven you yet.' I say to her.
'I forgave you so maybe you should forgive her.' Nico says to me.
'Who's side are you on?' I ask.
'Well I mean, if I'm going to be your boyfriend then I should probably get on the good side of your siblings.' He says.
'I like him.' Kayla says to me.
'Is it too late to back out? I feel like this isn't going to end well for me.' I say.
'Too late.' Nico says.
'Alright as lovely as this is, I do need to see if Will has a concussion, so if you don't mind...?' Kayla says. I kiss Nico on the forehead quickly before sitting down on the bed. Kayla starts running the usual tests.
'Rumour has it you took down Clarisse and Adam in about ten seconds.' Kayla says, turning to Nico, 'pretty impressive.'
'Will tired them out for me.' He says. Kayla laughs and I roll my eyes.
'I did my best, okay?'
'It's my fault,' Nico says, 'I should have taught you better.'
'You're teaching Will to fight? Good luck with that.' Kayla says.
'I could fight.' I insist.
'No you couldn't.' She says again.
'Maybe not, but I'll give it a go.' I say, 'plus it seems like I've got a pretty good teacher.'
'Worst comes to worst you can just get Nico to beat up anyone you want.' Kayla offers.
'That sounds more fun.' Nico agrees, 'let's do that instead.'
'You're not going to beat anyone up.' I tell him.
'Neither are you.' Kayla says to me, 'at least not anytime soon.'
'Seriously? Concussion?' I ask.
'Is that bad?' Nico asks.
'Sometimes.' I say, 'but only if it goes unchecked. And this is a...minor?' I look to Kayla for confirmation and she nods, 'Minor concussion. So it's not serious.'
'He'll just be more tired, and a little out of it.' Kayla explains to Nico, 'and not allowed to work for a week or so.'
'That sounds like a bonus?' Nico offers.
'Will's a workaholic.' Kayla tells Nico.
'I like what I do.' I say defensively.
'Well you know the drill.' Kayla tells me, 'no physical activities, get enough sleep, drink lots of water. No work for a while and come in for a check up in a couple of days.'
'Got it.' I say, standing up, 'you sure you're okay being in charge while I'm out?'
'I'll manage.' She says. She turns to Nico, 'keep him from getting into any more fights, okay?'
'I'll do my best.' He says.
Nico and I leave promptly after that. It's odd. It's like I don't know how to act around him now. Do same rules apply? Can I kiss him? Would he mind?
But as we leave, I see his eyebrows knot. His lips pursed. He takes my hand.
We walk hand in hand down to the dock. There's no around around there, and I'm not sure if anyone even notices us holding hands, but I can tell it took a lot for Nico to do that.

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