Part 25

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I spend the day in the infirmary, waiting and hoping for Nico to drop by. But he doesn't.
When my shift ends, I go to the dining area, hoping to briefly see him. Not even to talk. But he's not there either.
I debate whether to drop by his cabin. I'm aware that he doesn't want a relationship, and I don't want him to think I'm being pushy or needy. But I want to see him still.
I wander over to his cabin and figure I'd make up some medical reason. Ask about his head or his sleeping, or something.
I knock at the door. No answer. I don't hear him either.
'Nico?' I ask, 'you there?'
No reply. I wonder whether he just doesn't want to see me.
'If you're in there, I just wanted to...see how the medicine was doing. For the nightmares?' I call out, hoping the professional conversation will make him more willing to see me.
When he doesn't reply to that, I figure he must just not be in. But there's light coming from under the door. I close my eyes and focus, listening for a heartbeat.
And then I hear it. Faint and slow and weak. But there.
'Nico, I'm coming in.' I say. I open the door and look about before seeing him on the floor, 'Nico, oh my Gods.'
I kneel down beside him and check him over, moving his head into my lap. His nose is bleeding and he's out cold. I take some ambrosia from the side of his table and do my best to feed it to him.
He wakes up slowly. He opens his eyes and squeezes them shut almost instantly. It's like he's trying to block everything out.
'Nico, can you hear me?' I ask slowly. He makes a small groan, 'Can you hear me?'
'Yeah.' He manages to get out.
'It's Will.' I say.
'I know.' He says. He tries to sit up, but his arm gives way. I catch him before he hits the ground. He coughs again.
'What happened?'
'I did the last couple rituals.' He says, coughing between words. He breathes heavily. He can't support himself, leaning against me to stay level.
'You should have found me.' I say.
'In hindsight, yes.' He says. He leans back against his bed, the back of his hand to his forehead.
'You feeling better?' I ask.
'Headache.' He replies, simply.
'Have you drunk much water?' He shakes his head. I look about for a glass, and resort to emptying a pen holder from his desk. I fill it up with water and bring it over to him, 'drink.' I instruct.
He does what I say, finishing the water off.
'Thanks.' He says. He blinks a couple times, but he looks more or less back to his usual self by now.
'You shouldn't have done that.' I say, gently. He looks to me for a moment, nods.
'Yeah.' He agrees.
'You uses your powers so much the last couple of months, if you do that again you could risk completely leaving this world. You draw from the underworld. It's dangerous.' I say.
'It's also the only thing I know how to do.' He says. He moves up onto his bed and I sit down beside him. He leans against the wall, feet just hanging off the edge. I watch him.
'I know it's a big part of your life, and I'm not saying never do it, but you shouldn't treat it so casually. Or at least give it time before you do again.'
'I know.' He says, 'it's just second nature now.'
'I can understand that.' I say. He moves so that he's lying in his bed, staring at the bunk above. He looks to me.
'I...' He falters, 'I know...we're not dating, but...can you just stay for a bit?'
I'm surprised. I wasn't expecting it. I try and hide my joy. I nod.
'Sure.' I say, 'but I'm lying down too.'
'Take your shoes off.' He says.
'I wouldn't have pegged you for the neat type.' I say, but take off my shoes. I lie down beside him and we both stare at the bunk above.
'I don't get it.' He says.
'Get what?'
'This.' He says, 'it feels normal but...I don't know.'
'You don't have to explain, I get it.' I say, 'you were raised in a completely other time. It must be crazy to have to figure out.'
He moves so that he's facing me, curled up beside me. I move my arm round so that it wraps around him and he moves so that he fits in perfectly.
'I don't understand why you're here.' He says.
'Right now?'
'Just in general.' He says, 'why do you like me?'
'Fishing for compliments?' I ask.
'So what if I am?' He says. I look down to him and see he's closed his eyes.
'I remember when you first came to camp. With my dad. It was the first time I'd seen him, but I was still looking at you. You had this crazy head of hair, and this sort of...I don't know...just way about you. And I was obsessed.'
'No way.' He says, smiling to himself.
'Seriously. I remember it so well. And then you obviously went awol for a couple years. I heard all these crazy rumours and I didn't know what was true, but everything just made you sound more and more intimidating. And then I saw you again for the first time in years, and that obsession just came rushing back.'
'You're obsessed?' He asks, and he's opened his eyes, staring at me.
'Not...I didn't mean...'
'You can't take it back.' He says, 'you said obsessed. Too late.' He closes his eyes again, but he still smiles.
'Sure.' I say, giving in, 'but I was so sure you weren't gay. I'd convinced myself you weren't, so I could act all professional like I'm meant to.'
'I didn't know you were gay either.' He says.
'I'm so obviously gay.' I say, 'you could have literally asked anyone and they would know.'
'Yeah, but if I asked then that would be a bit of a giveaway wouldn't it?' He says. I laugh a little.
'I guess so.' I say. I watch him. He clutches my shirt lightly in one of his hands. His head rests against my shoulder. He breathes slowly, calmly.
'Is this Okay?' He asks, quietly.
'I know I'm a lot.' He says, 'I get it if...if you want to pretend like nothing happened.' He doesn't open his eyes, but I feel his heart beat faster. I lean down and kiss the top of his head.
'Where's the fun in that?' I say. Again, he smiles to himself. I close my eyes too. I hear him fall asleep, and a little while later, I do too.

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