Part 41

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Jason and Piper come this evening. I've been hyping myself up all day, working out in the gym to get my adrenaline going and avoiding everyone - including Will. I don't want to talk, don't want to think. I just want to blitz it. Quick and fast.
Part of me thinks that Piper already knows about me being gay. She's a child of Aphrodite, plus I don't know how well Jason can keep a secret. But I have to tell them about Will too. And then there's introductions and pleasantries.
I turn off the treadmill and wipe the sweat from my forehead. I've had enough. They must be here by now.
I head outside, and towards my cabin, planning to shower and change before seeing them. But then there they are. Straight in front of me.
'Nico, oh my Gods!' Piper says, trapping me in a hug, 'I've missed you so much!'
'I...' I trail off.
'It's good to see you, man.' Jason says, hugging me as soon as Piper let's go.
'I...uh...' my mouth goes dry. I wasn't prepared for this, 'I'm not...'
'You okay?' Jason asks, wary.
'Yes I'm.' And then I see Will. Coming out the infirmary. He doesn't see me at first, and there's a moment where he's just looking around, taking a breath after his shift. I feel myself shift a little. I'm still scared, but I remember why it's worth it.
Piper and Jason stare at me, clearly concerned. I take a breathe and look from one to the other.
'I have a boyfriend.' I say carefully. They're both silent, shocked. Jason is smiling, with his mouth open. He clearly wasn't expecting me to come out any time soon.
Piper stares at me, wide eyed and open mouthed. I'm guessing Jason hasn't told her.
'He's over there. Hold on.' I look over to Will, 'Will!' I shout. He sees me, and realised what's going on. I gesture him over and he comes.
'Will, this is Piper and Jason, guys this is Will. My boyfriend.' I say, my voice catching a little. Will links arms with me, silent support.
'Hey.' Will says, waving a little. He's clearly nervous.
'So nice to meet you.' Jason says, fighting his initial surprise, 'how long has this...?'
'A while.' I say, instinct keeping it vague.
'And you're fully out now?' Jason asks, still smiling. I shrug.
'Hold on.' Piper says, turning to Jason, 'you knew?'
'Uh...a little.' He says, 'it's a long story.'
'It's not a good story.' I say, 'I asked him not to say anything.'
'Oh my Gods, no, of course, I didn't expect...I'm just...processing...boyfriend.' Piper shakes her head a little and turns to Will, 'we have a lot to talk about.'
'We do?' Will asks, nervous.
'We do.' Piper says. She looks to me, 'Nico I am so so glad you told me. And we're going to chat later, but right now I'm going to interrogate your boyfriend.'
'Be gentle.' I say, as Piper takes Will from my side, 'he's actually a good person unlike everyone else here.'
'Do I get a say in this?' Will asks.
'I don't think so.' I say.
'Alrighty then.' He says, 'I'll see you at dinner?'
'See you there.' I say, and kiss him on the cheek. Piper beams as she drags Will away from me.
And then it's just Jason and me.
'So. That was...' I trail off.
'Your boyfriend.' Jason finishes.
'Yeah.' I say. I don't meet his eyes.
'He seems sweet.'
'He is.' I say, 'he's just...the best person I know.'
'Apollo kid, right?' He asks, and I nod.
'That's how we met. After the war, he was the one who fixed me.' I say, wanting to hype Will up so Jason will like him. Not that he needs hyping up.
'Wow so this has been going since summer?' He asks.
'That's when I first met him, yeah.' I say, feeling more and more awkward by the second.
'You seem to really like him.' He says, unable to repress his smile.
'I do.' I say, 'I really do. He just...He makes me a better person.' I pause for a moment, 'what do you think of him?'
'Is that you wanting my approval?' He asks, laughing a little.
'I don't need your approval. I do want you to like him though. And I don't want you to go on the attack.' I say.
'He seems sweet, Nico. Really nice. And you seem happy with him.' He says, 'you suit each other.'
'Cool. Okay. I'm glad.' I say awkwardly, unsure how to resolve the conversation.
'I'm sorry if this comes across patronising, but I'm proud of you.' He says suddenly, 'you've come a long way since that asshole Cupid. It's nice to see.'
'Thanks.' I say, 'and thank you for not telling anyone.'
'It wasn't my secret to tell.' He says.

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