Part 18

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I go solo through the forest. The camp owned sword feels so much harder to use since using Nico's. But I have it ready anyway.
I go further in, hyper aware of everything around me. A couple people from Nico's team near me, but I manage to briefly knock them out with some mixed herbs and medical skills.
I go further in, certain I'm on the right track, when I feel the cold, sharp touch of a sword against my neck.
'Fancy seeing you here.' Nico says. His voice is quiet, calming. Slowly, I turn around to face him. He holds his sword out, still holding the point to my neck. I don't speak, just stare. Waiting for his next move.
And then he backs up a bit, takes the sword from my neck, 'sword up.' He says, and I do what he says. He moves so quickly. I can't keep up with him, but he backs off again and again.
He jabs and I do what he taught me. I know he lets me, but I manage to move his sword away. My own sword is against his neck now, and he's backed up against the tree. I'm breathing fast, and so is he. We stare at each other.
He gently takes my hand and moves the sword away from his neck. I let him. We're so close. My chest is barely an inch from his.
He drops his sword and moves his hands to my face, pulling me in to kiss me. So passionately and so forcefully. I stumble backwards a little, but we don't stop. My hands are around his waist, holding him tightly.
He pulls away for a moment, and I continue to kiss him on the neck.
'This doesn't mean...' he says, but trails off.
'I know.' I say, and we continue to kiss. He's back up against the tree and he wraps his legs around my waist. I hold him up, surprised how light he is. His hands are still on either side of my head, fingers entwined in my hair.
A cheer comes from the forest. We stop kissing and turn in the general direction.
'Who won?' Nico asks, his legs still around my waist, still against the tree.
'I have no idea.' I say. I turn back to Nico, and he's already staring at me. I know this is the moment he usually runs away from. He doesn't want the commitment. I kiss him again, slowly and lightly. And then I let him down to the ground. His cheeks are red and his hair is a mess. I imagine mine is too. But I don't care.
'You...' He starts, but trails off. I smile slightly.
'Just a kiss. I won't tell anyone.' I assure him. He nods, quickly, and picks up his sword. I hear people in the forest. We're no longer alone.

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