Part 48

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I can tell that Hazel notices something isn't right. Will's doing his best to distract from it, but I'm being more detached than usual.
When we finish dinner, Frank and Reyna head off together, and Hazel and I walk Will back to his room.
'I'll see you tomorrow.' I say to him, hoping he gets my unspoken message of I'm sorry I'm so hopeless and anxious and bad at being a boyfriend.
'See you tomorrow.' He says, 'it was nice to meet you Hazel.'
'You too, Will.' She says. Will lingers for a moment before going inside. Hazel and I walk back to our cabin.
'He's sweet.' She says.
'Yeah. I thought you guys would get on.' I say.
'So-' She starts, but I cut her off.
'I need to tell you something.' I say.
She looks at me, as we slowly continue walking, 'Okay?'
'I'm gay.' Short and blunt. It's out there. Everyone knows. I look to her and see she's smiling.
'I'm glad you finally told me.' She says. I pause, turn to her.
'You knew?' I ask.
'For a long time.'
'Who told you? Did Jason tell you?' I ask.
'No one told me Nico. I just...I don't know. I always had a vague idea. Obviously I never knew for sure. But I wondered.' She says.
'And you''re okay with it?'
'Of course I'm okay with it!' She says, surprised, 'did you think I wouldn't be?'
'I don't know. I mean we...we were raised in different times.' I say.
'You mean the time where being black was bad too?' She asks.
'I didn't think about that.' I say. She laughs a little.
'Nico, I love you. And I love that you told me. I just want you to be happy.' She says.
'I am.'
'Then so am I.' She says, 'can I Will...just a friend?'
I can feel myself blushing.
'He' boyfriend.' I say.
'He's lovely.' She says, 'really lovely.'
I go to speak, but I can't. I find myself welling up a little. Hazel notices and puts her arm around me.
'I don't know why I was so scared.' I say, my voice breaking a little.
'It's alright. I get it.' She says, 'I'm glad you told me. It really means a lot. And you know I'll always love you.'
'I love you too.' I say, learning on her shoulder as we walk through the camp. It's dark and quiet and I'm fully content.

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