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She was stuck on the dark streets of Milan with a dead phone and a charger nowhere near. Unluckily for her, it was one of those nights where she wounded up on the not-so-busy-street. No one was around, it was as if the place was genuinely dead - almost like ghost town. From the time of her dead phone, she assumed it was around 3 in the morning and if anyone was to ask why she was out so late, she wouldn't know what to tell you.

She liked adventure. It was suspenseful and fun - especially alone. Something about travelling and just not knowing where you are seemed endearing to her.

She used to be that teenager in school that focused more on getting good grades than actually having a real teenage experience. So, when she graduated college, she got on the next plane to wherever she was in that moment. This time though, she was irresponsible and didn't charge her phone. Not safe, she knew that well and her mom would probably kill her if she found out about her wandering around with no phone trying to get a cab or something to get back to her hotel.

Finally, after what felt like years of walking she found a man. She walked slow, contemplating if she should go anywhere near him. He was tall with dark curls. He was dressed well but who knows what he'd do to her. She took the risk, quickly dragging her feet towards the man on his phone leaning on the brick wall of one of the many closed shops.

"Excuse me?" She waved her hand up, attempting to grab his attention which she successfully did. He looked up at her and god was he gorgeous but that wasn't her objective right now. He looked at her, weirdly. She would too. "Listen, my phone is dead...I've been walking for like ever - trying to find someone with a phone so I can call for a taxi to get back to my hotel and I'd really appreciate it if you just let me borrow your phone so I could call a cab," she rambled, pacing back and forth but coming to a halt, looking at him hopefully.

He smirked at her through hooded eyes. She caught him roaming his eyes up and down her body and she was embarrassed to say the least but she truly was desperate for the phone. "Tell you what?" He pushed himself off the wall, shoving his phone into his pocket - walking closer to her. She backed away, not sure of what he was going to say or do next. He laughed, deeply - probably at her embarrassment. He was sure that she was concerned about his abruptness.

"Be my date to this dumb event hosted by my parents and I'll lend you my phone." He pulled his phone out, waving it in front of her. She looked as if she wanted to kill him but his heart warmed when she first approached him. She was beautiful to say the least, even when she looked so tired.

Camila stood still for a second, staring at the ground and tapping her foot on the pavement. Was she really going to do that? She had no idea who he was but then again, she was the one that approached him. "Why can't you get a date like a normal person?" Her eyebrow raised, struggling to look at him through her hood that was over her head. He huffed before opening his mouth to speak but closing it again. Soon enough he said something, "I kind of told my parents that I had a girlfriend and they believed it so now I need a girlfriend or at least a fake one."

To say that she was confused would be an understatement.

Out of all the places she's been to and all the people she had encountered, this was the weirdest encounter yet. She questioned his such need for a girlfriend and why they'd care so much. "I'm 27 and they think I'm going to die alone," he laughed, pathetically, rubbing the back of his head. She laughed, unintentionally, earning a slight glare from him. She thought again for a moment. "First of all, what's your name?" She shook her head, surprised that she didn't know that from the beginning of this conversation.

He smiled, softly and it was the cutest thing she's ever seen, "Shawn Mendes, you?"

"Camila...Camila Cabello." She shyly smiled, accepting his handshake. "I'll be your fake girlfriend." She snickered at how weird that sentence sounded coming from her mouth but she brushed it off. He smiled, almost thankfully and immediately called a taxi for her. When he was done with the phone call she quietly thanked him.

"I'm sorry about this, this is...this is really embarrassing." She chuckled, kicking at the ground, softly. He laughed, "me asking you to be my fake girlfriend is weird." Their laughs vibrated together and it was nice to them. "Do you mind if I ask where you're heading?" He rubbed his arm, clearly shivering. She looked up at him before immediately answering the straightforward question, "Hotel La Spezia," she hummed with an accent and his eyes widened, "me too, I'll go with you?" Hoping for agreement. "Sounds good."

The car ride wasn't silent as Camila was expecting. She ended up talking to him more about his very loving yet too involved family.

"I don't live here, I'm just adventure." She whispered, not looking at him but instead at the lights of the dead streets. She wasn't embarrassed to admit that she was calling it as such but not often would you hear a 28 year old women say things like that - it sounded like something out of a movie.

Shawn was slightly disappointed but glad that he wasn't the only one who was just on a vacation or as she calls it, an adventure. "Me too, I live in Miami, actually." He unknowingly grabbed her hand, causing her to look at him. "Wait, really? Me too."

Something about him, maybe it was his nature - she felt safe with him. It was almost as if they've been friends forever. The taxi came to a stop and they both knew that was their cue to leave but not before fighting over who paid.

"Shawn, I caused this trouble. Let me pay." She demanded. She wasn't going down without a fight and Shawn liked that she was so feisty. "No, Mila. I'm paying." His voice stern and weary. She shook her head, violently before looking him in the eyes and she saw that he had his card in his hand but luckily for her, she had cash so all she needed to do was throw cash at the kind man that waited patiently at so late at night or morning, however you see it.

She swiftly swiped the money at the man before rushing out the car, only to be yelled at by a bewildered Shawn. He got a fine grip on her forearm, whipping her all the way around to face him.

He dipped his lips down, brushing against her pink lips before bringing it to her ear, whispering devilishly, "that was smooth, Cabello...but not as smooth as the piece of paper I just slipped into your back pocket." He quietly chuckled, leaving her there - stunned.

She was too shocked and bamboozled to notice the slip of paper with his number on it. She smiled to herself, bringing the note close to her chest.


First chapter but this was taken right out of my imagines book.

Let me know! I'll update today if this does well?? Idk let me know. This book do be stressing me out doe:)

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