He Is A Successful Man

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I cannot thank you guys enough! I never thought this would happen. I'm SO SO SO HAPPY.

Camila's POV

I knew that Shawn was having horrible anxiety about whatever it was that everyone in his family was freaking out about. He was angry that they left him in the dust about it all until we were able to go back to Milan, which thankfully would be in the morning.

It was the same night and Shawn had fallen asleep on my chest. I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice my phone ringing on the bedside table.

Manoeuvring away from Shawn's body was a struggle but I managed to untangle ourselves from each other without waking him up.

"Hello?" I whispered, walking out of the bedroom so that I didn't disturb Shawn.

"Camila? This is Karen." Shawn's mother. I didn't have any clue as to why she would contact me but there was an obvious tone of fear in her voice.

"Hey...sorry, is everything okay?"

"Has Shawn said anything?" There wasn't much for him to say.

"He told me that you called but he was freaking out about whatever it was...because he doesn't know." There was a deafening silence between the lines, "we're coming tomorrow." I tried to calm her nerves by letting her know that we'd be there soon.

I heard a breath of relief from the other line, "thank god, Camila...I need to tell you something and you need to promise to not tell Shawn, not until he's here."

I stood up straight, clearing my throat so that whatever it was that was said, I was semi-prepared.

"Okay, I promise." I didn't want to make that promise because I knew that I'd have to keep something from him but I figured it would have to be for a good cause.

"Okay...Shawn's father, Manuel. He- he's...going to jail."

My heart dropped and my breathing became rigid. Manuel seemed like the sweetest man who could never do anything harmful to anyone or to anything for that matter.

"He's been scamming clients."

He didn't seem like someone to do so, something so wrong and terrible.

"He has stole millions of dollars from clients that he assured would have their money safe but instead, he put it all into his own savings. I...I don't know what to do." I could hear her break down and it hurt me.

"I'm...wow...I'm so sorry. That's terrible, have you spoken to him? At all?"

"He...I visited him once. He's going to court soon, the details are unknown to me."

We talked for what felt like hours. Majority of the time it was me consoling her because although I had no idea how this felt or what it was like to even have millions of dollars in the first place, I knew that she needed someone to talk to right now.

I couldn't understand why someone like Shawn's father would have the want or even the need to steal others money, putting him, his business, and his family at risk of a scandal. He was a successful man, his company was one of the best and most high paid personal financial advisement businesses there was, so it was bizarre to me that he even thought about stealing from his own clients.

"That's not all, though." I was tired and I knew that I needed rest for the flight that we'd be on tomorrow, or technically today but she needed me.

"Shawn...he is a major part of this company, he is the project manager but also a financial advisor."

I didn't need her to say more. It was obvious, they'd question Shawn. They'd want to know where his money is coming from or how safe his clients money is.

I knew Shawn and I knew well enough that he wasn't apart of a scandal as dangerous as this one was.

"I love Manuel...but I don't know if I trust that he hasn't tapered with Shawn's clients and Shawn's money."

I asked about Aaliyah as well, not sure if she was completely safe from this all or if she was having to deal with just as many problems as Shawn is going to deal with. In the end, Karen explained that Aaliyah doesn't work for that same department and she wouldn't have to be questioned but unluckily for Shawn, he was right in the middle of it all.

I felt sick to my stomach. Not just because I feared the worst for Shawn and what could possibly happen to him and his career but mainly how he is going to feel after finding out that his father isn't who he presumes to be.

The last thing I wanted was for my boyfriend that I loved dearly to end up in jail for something I know that he knew nothing about.

"I'm so sorry, Camila. I don't mean to put this all on you...I just...I didn't know who else to call."

I felt a flutter in my heart knowing that she had trust that she could call me. It was a great feeling, considering it was Shawn's mother.

"Don't apologize...I understand. You can always talk to me." She needed to know that.

"I would do anything for your son and just know that this is going to kill me to keep this from him."

"I know, I know...I don't...I think he just needs to hear it from me and in person. I didn't mean to freak out over the phone but it just...sorta happened. I'm sorry if I stressed the both of you out. Despite how bad this is, just know that I will be helping him through it all and I'm sure you will be too."

She was right. I was going to be with him through thick and thin. No matter what happens, I wasn't going to leave and back out of this relationship. I don't care if this meant that I had to push my insecurities aside and worry about them later, I'll do it. I love him and I don't want Shawn to feel neglected.

"I will be. I don't know much about business but I do know that I love Shawn and if I have to learn about business then I will." I heard his mother laugh through the phone which lightened the mood a bit.

"Camila? Baby? Where are you?" I heard a very sleepy Shawn call for me from his bedroom.

"I'll be right there, baby. I'm just...grabbing a glass of water." I didn't receive a respond so that must've meant he understood or he fell asleep, either way, I knew I was in the clear.

"I see that he needs you...it's okay. I'll see you tomorrow, thank you for everything. Thank you for taking care of my boy...I'm glad that he has someone like you."

The satisfaction I felt when I was adored by his mother was the most precious thing.

I whispered my goodbye before getting back into bed with him.

I completely had forgotten that his anxiety about tomorrow or today, was something that caused him to not sleep and that me being there gave him a sort of comfort.

"I'm sorry, go to bed, babe." I whispered into his ear, kissing his forehead and wrapping my arms around his torso.

I felt his smile against my cheek, "goodnight, love." He mumbled, sleepily.

I felt so guilty to keep something so big from him but my heart was in the right place, I knew that. His mother had asked me to and it made sense as to why she wanted to tell him in person.

As cruel as it was to leave Shawn in the dark, he deserved to hear what Karen had to say. Especially, when they are together at the exact same time.



This is NUMBER FREAKING TWO on the shawmila hashtag :) I'm so happy and this would've never happened if it wasn't for you guys.

I never thought that this would even get the slightest bit of recognition but I was proven wrong! I love you guys SO MUCH.

Anyways, shawmila going back to Milan is coming back!!

How do you guys feel?

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