Decisions And Details

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Shawn's POV

"Wow...congratulations!" My father beamed through the glass. "Thank you, dad."

We spent a good thirty minutes talking about life and the responsibilities of being a husband but I didn't listen to it all that much.

Partly because I don't believe in rules with being a husband - besides the obvious, of course. It wasn't a chore to love Camila. It simply just came naturally. That's mainly how I knew that she was the one for me.

"Hey, baby." I greeted her with a kiss to her head before plopping on the seat next to her on the couch. "" She lifted her gaze from her laptop towards me. "What is that?"

I couldn't help but stare down at the drop down of her searches which consisted of houses that were on the market.

"I don't know...I was just looking at houses...for fun." She shrugged, tightening the grip on my thigh. I swiftly placed my hand over hers, "do you not like this house?" I chuckled, quite amused by her bluntness.
Her eyes widened before she cleared her throat, "no...I like this house! It's...nice." She was a horrible liar but it was entertaining.

If I was being honest, I loved this house but I wasn't apposed to the idea of moving and starting fresh. Additionally, home wasn't a place, it's a person. That person being Camila.

"We can house hunt...I don't mind." I kissed her temple. It didn't matter to me where we lived. Whether it was here or even on the streets, as crazy as that sounded. "Thank you. I just think it'll be nice to start all fresh" She hummed, scrolling through many different houses that were up for sale.

All of them were nice but none truly stuck out to us. She sighed, throwing her head back. "This is harder than I anticipated." She said, truthfully. "We don't have to look now...we have lots of time." I referred to the fact that we still had wedding planning to do. Although, neither of us obsessed over the idea of a huge wedding, we thought it'd be nice and memorable for not just us but for our friends and family.

It truly was a battle for us to even figure out the first steps of where our wedding was going to be taken place. We spent hours in silence, thinking.

She shot up, causing me to furrow my eyebrows. I watched as her eyes brightened and her smile widen. "Milan." She whispered, her smile still shimmering.

I couldn't understand why neither of us couldn't decide on that earlier or even come to the conclusion that it only made sense to have our wedding there. The place where our love started and blossomed.

I scooped her small body into mine, kissing her all over. "That is perfect." I sighed, pulling away but my arms still around her waist, "you're perfect." I mumbled, pressing a small kiss to her button like nose.

Neither of us knew the amount of decisions and the research it took to plan a wedding but luckily we had our families by our sides. It took months to plan - three to be exact and we were still struggling to plan but with that came the joy and the fun.

"Now...let's talk about children." Sinu said, a hint of teasing in her voice. We just had a meeting with my mum, Camila's mum, Camila, me, and our wedding planner and they all decided on lunch but Sinu pulled me back.

My voice caught in my throat. Camila and I have talked about children but that was a few months ago in Buenos Aires. We were both certain that we wanted children and that it would happen soon. Yet, neither of us knew when that soon was.

"Do you...want children with Camila?" Sinu was basically my second mother, literally. I could go to her for anything and she expressed that, thoroughly countless times before. We had an amazing relationship with one another so conversations like these didn't bother me but most times, they were out of the blue.

I stopped what I was doing to look Sinu in the eye and speak to her like mother and son do. "We've talked about it...we just...don't know when." I shrugged. We knew that when the time was right, we'd do it. We were in no rush but we certainly had baby fever every time we'd pass a couple with a baby at a grocery store. Sinu nodded, "Camila loves children." She laughed and so did I. I surely knew that.

Camila's POV

"Camila, this is my cousin Hailee, Hailee, Camila."  Shawn was introducing me to his cousin and we were already mutual friends due to our line of work.

"This is my son...Christopher." I squealed and almost instantly the five year old and I clicked. He clung to me for the rest of the night and every so often, I'd snatch a few glances from Shawn who looked, in my opinion, in awe.

The thought of having children with him made me all jittery. Though, we've only been dating for five months, neither of us had really brought up that conversation yet it didn't bother me one bit.

" you have to go?" Christopher pouted, wrapping his arms around my neck, not letting go which made my heart swell. "Buddy...she's mine!" Shawn joked, tickling him which lightened the mood. "I'll see you again, bud." I reassured him, kissing his temple before handing him off to Hailee.

"You'll be an excellent mother one day, babe." Shawn looked at me for a second before glueing his eyes back onto the road. The compliment made me blush and I got all nervous, "thank you...he's the best kid ever."

Shawn's POV

"I'm so excited for the wedding...have you decided on a date?" I'm not sure why that small but huge detail didn't cross both Camila and I's mind. "N-no." I stuttered, suddenly stressed out about that minor detail. Sinu wrapped her arms around me, laughing. "Don't worry, mijo. You have's your wedding after all."

It was our wedding and it felt so good to hear and say out loud.

All of these decisions and details would lead up to one of the happiest days of my life which would only mean that there would be more to come with her, of course.


Definitely needed a Shawn + Sinu moment in there.

I have graduation pictures today...WISH ME LUCK BECAUSE I WILL NEED IT. Sis is not looking good today.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Should I possibly publish again today? (Not cOnFiRMeD.)

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