Our Stars Align

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Shawn's POV

During the healing process for Camila, I learned that when she hurt, I hurt. I continuously blamed myself for not being home to protect her but luckily, she made it known that it has nothing to do with me and if anything, I kept her sane.

It's been only a month and she was doing exceptionally well and I was proud of her for everything she has done for herself to heal. We had a disagreement about whether or not she should file a police report. I wanted her to come clean about it so that he got what he deserved but in the world, not every sexual assault survivor receives justice and not only that, Camila wasn't ready. She didn't want to relive that experience and I certainly could not blame her.

It took quite awhile for her to become comfortable to being sexually active with me but I didn't care. As long as she was comfortable and safe and loved, everything was alright with me.

There was an instance where he came back to pick up Griffin at the usual time but I didn't let Camila go anywhere near him.

Three weeks ago
Shawn's POV

"I'll get it, baby. You stay here with Griffin." I whispered into her ear before kissing it and walking towards the front door.

I genuinely wanted to kill Matthew with my own bare hands and make him pay for everything he's done. Not just to Riley and her son but to Camila. My Camila. He hurt her, physically and mentally. That in itself, made me despise everything about him, as it should.

"I'm here to-" I couldn't help but punch his very punchable face. My fist connected with his nose, causing the wind to become knocked out of him. I glared at him, as he groaned in pain on the ground.

Camila must've heard because she rushed outside to the scene. I calmed myself down once I heard her soothing voice call out to me, "hun...please, go inside."  I ushered her away and she did but not before kissing my cheek, softly.

I crouched down to look at his bleeding face and all he did was look back at me and groan. I couldn't help the anger that bubbled inside of me once I saw his face. "You disgust me." I got a hold of his collar, "you think it's okay to treat women the way you do?"

He laughed at me, sitting up and backing himself against the wall. "Your women...she deserved it. She had it coming." I punched him again but this time, in the stomach. "Don't you dare touch her, ever. You hear me? Don't even come near Riley or Griffin. Just leave." I growled into his ear, still a tight grip on his now crinkled collar. "Camila has never been a good partner...you'll see it. Marrying her...will be the biggest mistake of your life. She doesn't do commitment...once she gets the chance, she'll leave." He chuckled but not long before I shut him up with a shove.

"Riley's parents are coming back to watch Griffin...you won't be a problem. She's going to receive full custody of Griffin. She now has a stable job. There's no one else to thank but Camila for that and maybe...she left you because she saw how much of an asshole you are. Don't come anywhere near my family, you hear me?" I tugged onto his shirt once more and practically roared into his ear.

I could see the fear in his eyes and he finally broke. "I-...okay. I won't come back. I'll leave e-everyone alone." He wiped the blood from his nose and ran off.

It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. My blood continued to boil but knowing that he was to come nowhere near the women I love and the people he should've loved, gave me a sense of comfort.

I cleaned off the blood from my knuckles and I felt Camila's presence at the door. "Griffin's grandparents will be here-" her eyes widened, "oh my god...what happened to your knuckles?" She raised my hand and did the rest of the cleanup for me. "I just...got through to him. He won't be bothering you anymore, love." I captured her lips in mine, letting them linger there. "Thank you." She mumbled into my chest before dragging the both of us towards Griffin to keep him occupied.

"Look at that, bud...your favourite." Camila pointed towards the dinosaurs that she drew onto the cupcakes she made with icing. "Wow...you're really good at that!" She smiled at him and cupped his cheeks, kissing them. I pouted, "what's up with you?" She eyed me, a smirk on her face. "What about me?" I crossed my arms. "What about you?" She challenged, hugging Griffin closer to her as Griffin laughed. "I don't get any kisses?" I pouted again, shutting my eyes and puckering my lips but only to be met with a face full of cupcakes by the two.

"Why you-" the next ten minutes were spent by the two being chased by me and being tickled.

It was a beautiful feeling to have a child running around the home as we all enjoyed the night before his grandparents came to pick him up, not before thanking us on the way out.

Shawn's POV

Finally, after the long month we've had, especially for Camila, we were at peace. We watched the sunset and the stars align from our bedroom. I looked over at her and met her loving gaze. She smiled, softly and the tinted blush appeared on her face as I pecked her lips. She pulled me back into yet another searing kiss.

It was the most beautiful moment. Just the two of us, showing affection through our actions.

"Let's make a baby." She whispered into my ear.

I pulled away from her, tears starting to form on the brim of my eyes. "A-are you serious, baby?" I wasn't sure if I was hearing right but what she said, sent shivers down my spine and my heart was full of happiness. "Yes...let's start our family." She smiled at me, kissing my cheek. I flipped her over so that I could hover over her, "then let's make a baby." I repeated her words before interlocking our lips again.

The most magical night of my life to say the least. Everything was falling into its place, just like how stars align in the limelight.


SHAWMILA IS MAKING A BABY. Now...sexual assault is not a joke and some of the ways the people THAT SHOULD CARE treat survivors are completely shitty. It's not a joke and it's not new news.

Anyways, sorry for the slow updates again:( but...your girl is making a comeback especially with this BABY that may or may not come.

I'm not good with smut so...I'm not doing that:) (maybe) let me know what you guys thought ❤️

-Allison <3

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