Imperfectly Perfect

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Shawn's POV

The depths of what I meant were all wrong. I genuinely can understand why she was so upset and seriously, so was I. I fucked up.

My meaning behind that wasn't at all how it sounded but I was too flabbergasted to manage to get that out.

I let the tears fall and my heart break as I sat in my hotel room, weeping.

She was leaving tomorrow, her plane left at 9am and I didn't want to lose her and I certainly didn't want her to leave thinking that I only used her as arm candy. That wasn't what that was.

The fear of rejection overcame me. My heart meant something different than what I spat out. I was inquiring that I was glad that she wasn't my real girlfriend because the fear of rejection was overwhelming and I didn't want it to seem like I was weak because she was strong and pride and selfishness washed over me.

I took a minute and decided to call the only person that knew she wasn't my girlfriend. The only people that had a clue that I liked her. Ryan, my best friend since I was in kindergarten. He had all the answers to my problems and you didn't need to tell him twice to tell me off for my wrong doings.

"Ryan? Hey..." my voice cracked, there was no way to hide the fact that I was upset but I knew that I caused this pain.

"What did you do now, Mendes?" His voice filled with laughter and I honestly wish I could say the same.

I sighed. "You know the girl? Camila?"

I told him everything from start to finish and I winced at how loud he yelled at me through the phone. I took it though, knowing that I well deserved it.

"You need to go to that damn airport tomorrow and apologize...better yet, get on the damn thing with her." I knew that he was serious and I was considering going back with her but I didn't want to scare her, let alone hurt her - but I guess it was too late for that.

I felt the need to yell at my taxi driver to drive just a tad bit faster but I knew that he was trying his best and honestly, I didn't feel like being kicked out of the car.

We made it, the big airport filled with many people. It was 7:58 am and I knew that her boarding wasn't yet to be heard.

I ran around like a crazy person. So crazy that parents hid their children from me and cleared the way. I made a mental note to thank god for that.

Thankfully, a kind security guard brought me towards her gate and I saw her, tear stained cheeks with a jutted chin.

I knew I caused that.

If I wasn't so scared of her not feeling the same way and if I didn't swallow my own pride then none of this would've happened. My last moments with her for awhile wouldn't have been her walking out alone or me profusely apologizing like I was about to now.

"Camila." I cleared my throat and rubbed my sweaty hands together, taking a seat next to her. She looked up at me with the most beautiful eyes I've seen. The sheer look of sadness sat on her face, causing my heart to ache.

"Shawn, what are you doing here?" She spat, crossing her arms after pulling her hood down.

I gulped, the anger in her voice was apparent and her eyes squinting up at me.

"I wanted to apologize. That's not at all what I meant." I spoke too fast but I knew she caught on to what I was managing to say. She sat quietly, not looking towards me.

"I said that because...because I like you - like really like you. I didn't think you felt the same way and I figured...ugh, I don't know." I tugged at my curls, frustrated with myself for not knowing the answer as to why I said what I said.

She finally looked at me with tight lips, still not saying a word to me. "I didn't mean what I said. I fucked that up big time, I know I did." A single tear glided down my cheek, I didn't bother to wipe it away but she did with a sad smile.

"It's too bad I'm leaving you now, fake boyfriend." She whispered, a smirk tugging at her lips. "I'll see you soon, you know." I reassured her. I promised myself that I was going to see her.

"If you can find me." She winked, bringing my body closer to hers and her grasp tightening around my neck, hugging me just a little tighter.

She smelled like vanilla and coconut. It quickly became my favourite smell. "Here, take this." I pulled away from her to unclasp one of my favourite bracelets and gently clasped it around her small wrist. I smiled, looking down at her wrist.

She thanked me before bringing me back in for a hug, this one lasting longer than the last.

"I forgive you, I'm scared of rejection too. I wasn't going to say anything about me liking you but I guess now I should." She chuckled into my neck, she pulled away, her arms still wrapped around me.

"I really like you, Camila. So much that I'm scared of you leaving and finding someone else." I looked down, rubbing her back with my hands - taking her in.

"You movies they usually kiss now."

I strung those words together, my eyes lightening up.

I pulled her in to a sweet kiss, my lips instantly molding into hers. Everything was perfect. She was perfect. Honestly, imperfectly perfect.

We pulled away, gasping for air but a smile never leaving our faces and the pink tint still visible.

"Don't worry about me finding someone else, there's no one like you." She leaned forward, kissing me quickly.

Hearing her say that. Knowing that she didn't want anyone else and that she wanted me made everything feel alright. I knew it was going to be hard and that's exactly why I didn't ask her to be official yet. Not only did I want it to be special but I wanted to at least be in the same place as her long enough to have time to do what couples do.

"That's me," she sadly said, after hearing the commander call for her to board.

I couldn't help but tear up, I wasn't usually like this but she had some kind of spell on me. She kept me on my toes and I liked it. She cared for things and she didn't seem like one to rush into anything.

I stood up after she did, engulfing her into yet another hug. My face was against her neck, I placed a soft kiss to it before mumbling.

"I'll come see you."

"You better." She pulled away and I knew that it was her. She was the one.

It was crazy to say that, I've only known her for a week and I already felt this connection with her that I never felt with anyone before.

No one else could bring me as much sheer happiness like she did and the fact that I almost truly, royally fucked things up made my stomach churn.

Not wanting to let go just yet, I kissed her. This time, it was more passionate. I put everything I had into that kiss, knowing that it would be my last one for a little while.

"Call me, please."

"Every night." I confirmed, not letting go of her hand yet but I did when I saw a tear fall from her eye - quickly wiping it away with my thumb.

"Go, I'll see you soon." I kissed her cheek before giving her a little shove. She giggled and I wondered if she was going to look back but I almost knew for sure that she wasn't that person.

She didn't look back.

I always knew that from the beginning of when I met her that I'd need her but when she slipped from my fingers that's when I was certain. I knew that I couldn't stay away from her.

This was my hardest 'see you soon' but I meant it. I was going to see her very soon because I know that it's almost impossible to stay away from her.

We were imperfectly perfect for each other and that's all I ever wanted without knowing it.


So as you may or may not know by now, Shawn doesn't have the best records with girls and finding 'the one' so him saying that 'thank god that you're just a fake girlfriend' was his way of turning away from rejection.

Hope you guys enjoyed:))!!

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